iON wrote:
Now, for Number 2, after digesting these latter phrases above, Then ofcourse, all teeth, hair, meat, bone limb, liver, penis, well most all of the meat sack part anyway, is simply a desire to manifest. How KEWL is this. PLease if you want more, kick it up a notch. If you are intersted in other ways to digest, let US know to up the ante or simmer it down!
Love YA
This statement is profound. For some reason, the reality of this just sunk in.
The notion of our essence wishing to manifest in the physical / flesh has really
been covered...But somehow, for some reason, I had an image of this...
If I'm reading that correctly, we were pure essence (or in an etheric form, for lack
of a better term) before we were in the meat sack.
Our essence wished / desired to experience a so-called solid, physical expression
of ourselves and an (or our) environment (I wonder if there
was a notion of
environment before the expression of physicality).
I gather this is how this physicality began.
What's interesting is, considering we were pure essence / etheric prior to physicality,
What was our inspiration for this experience? And where did we receive our
notion for what physicality was, or how it would manifest (i.e., how to "do it")?
In other words, what was the source for our concept of physicality?
I'm not sure it's relevant at this point, but reflecting is interesting...
Now that I've written that out, with a bunch of "whats" and "hows", I'm content to
say nevermind and sit back and enjoy the manifestation...