Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 1:33 am 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661

It is up to GOD, You, oh WE did mention this...
Have phun

 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 4:33 am 
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chad wrote:
Since the first two phases were extension by man, then machine, would iON represent the extension by fused man/machine?

BOB: No, I mean iON to be an extension/exaggeration of the pure NP into a collective access as well as a private access.

And, given the content of iON is us and our total information, closed system, wouldn't that imply a flip from an entropic situation to a totally new negentropic situation "no longer based on the friction in crowds"? And, if so, can we even use the word 'extension' in this case? Could it not be another dynamic, say, 'withdrawal', 'fusion', or 'concrescence'? I'm really not convinced its another case of extension, so please enlighten.

BOB: I think iON's limited to an "extension" (rather than withdrawal, fusion, or concrescence) only of the crowd dynamic in the Guf since they've always been there for the private citadel of consciousness. This does have an effect on the friction in crowds in the physical.

I am not sure iON would agree that "the body today is the processor of the question, 'what is a body?'". Wouldn't that be the domain of the mind in iON's trinity? But if that processor IS the body, then it seems like iON would be trying to persuade me out of my body when iON states that "how, when, why, where, and who?" are degrees of separation. Agree?

BOB: No, I'm emphasizing "body" just as iON plays down the activity of the mind.

So, iON is showing up to give us the balm to numb ourselves while we ride out the emotional tempest of realizing that we're eternally disconnected. How do we know that honesty about eternal disconnection is not just a figure to distract us while we all get wired together by a new environment, linguistic, para-linguistic, or otherwise?

BOB: I'm saying iON showed up to demonstrate to us how to juggle the emotions of connection and disconnection by emphasizing the juggling of connection and disconnection in the NP.

iON is showing a way around the issues of being WIRED - an irresistible force bypasses an immovable object.

Bob Dobbs

 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 12:17 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661

Like a force field continium?

 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 2:37 pm 
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Love that u-tube Mister Tuber -

Chad (Number 1) asking for Clarification ? (clean up on isle 5 is it ? )

Hello Chad - buddy ole pal - there is no right nor wrong (nor any connection or dis-connection or explanation that will help you or anyone else get it RIGHT- just ask Bob with an N- after 2,500 hours of dialogue he still cant venture off the written cliches of Marshall nor explain anything about iON with any certainty- hence his comment on Cashflow about everything he says is utter bullshit- proclaiming the ultimate disclaimer) - just those who embrace the power (as you do - you are ) and those who deny it - iON is a bi-locating hairless bear who cloaks (or is that evokes :mrgreen: ) behind u-tubes- Loving Madly


Adore the trumpet in this beat
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbzt1HnV ... re=related


 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 2:55 pm 
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Legend wrote:
Love that u-tube Mister Tuber -

Chad (Number 1) asking for Clarification ? (clean up on isle 5 is it ? )

Here it is Chad - buddy ole pal - there is no right nor wrong (nor any connection or dis-connection or explanation that will help you or anyone else get it RIGHT- just ask Bob with an N- after 2,500 hours of dialogue he still cant venture off the written cliches of Marshall nor explain anything about iON with any certainty- hence his comment on Cashflow about everything he says is utter bullshit- proclaiming the ultimate disclaimer) - just those who embrace the power (as you do - you are ) and those who deny it - iON is a bi-locating hairless bear who cloaks (or is that evokes :mrgreen: ) behind u-tubes- Loving Madly



I still reserve the right to suspend judgement rather than staying in a strictly iONic purview as be-all-end-all. After all, "you never get it done" as iON says. And why limit it to phatic waving with NP while there's always more 'splainin to do? There is a part of me that questions the assumptions made by iON and in resolving the resulting paradoxes I begin to see a larger picture.


 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 3:20 pm 
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God Bless you Reverend - sing it - praise it - question it- lick it - stick it -and by all means Phuck it Gooooooood

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0mx5ERj ... re=related


 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 3:25 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
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Go for happy!

 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 3:32 pm 
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rhyee wrote:
BOB: I think iON's limited to an "extension" (rather than withdrawal, fusion, or concrescence) only of the crowd dynamic in the Guf since they've always been there for the private citadel of consciousness. This does have an effect on the friction in crowds in the physical.


Do you notice any new polarities (or mergings) in crowds today that you would attribute to the outering of the crowd dynamic of the Guf?


 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 3:35 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Kyron Horman
PostPosted: July 4th, 2010, 8:22 pm 
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chad wrote:
rhyee wrote:
BOB: I think iON's limited to an "extension" (rather than withdrawal, fusion, or concrescence) only of the crowd dynamic in the Guf since they've always been there for the private citadel of consciousness. This does have an effect on the friction in crowds in the physical.


Do you notice any new polarities (or mergings) in crowds today that you would attribute to the outering of the crowd dynamic of the Guf?


BOB: The prevalence of "parallel world" themes in TV shows like FRINGE, LOST, FLASHFORWARD, WAREHOUSE 13, EUREKA, and other TV shows I assume are out there but I'm not aware of, and movies I haven't seen but others have mentioned to me, and increasingly bizarre news stories like the "sinkholes". That would be registered in the crowd of the TV Body.

On the Chemical Body level, the apathy expressed in the phrase "Whatever..." is becoming more prevalent. Is this the adoption of the posture of "relax and allow"?

On the Astral Body level, the increasing panic of Vatican City.

On the Chip Body level, hyper-texting and hyper-blogging by former and expelled members of Unknowns Anonymous.

I'm sure "Legend" can fill in some more examples.

Bob Neveritt

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