Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: Re: xenophenic?
PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 6:56 pm 
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Mattrose wrote:
Bob, have you created a post-menippean phatic communication form where one actually concerns themselves with the response to a queried salutation?

Amotivated Shrewd, anagram: (Matthew David Rose)

BOB: Yes.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 2:03 pm 

Joined: September 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm
Posts: 119
ok dupes, (legend)

This kind of stuff happens with me so much anymore that I don't even bother to post-as nobody ever has any explanation or has anything constructive to say.... and dear uGH uGH man lends absolutely NO insight since I'm on his sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet list ! ;-Q

BTW I can't help but wonder if one of his veiled threats of me being "smote" by his "angels", was the cause of a 4 ft angel of mine to have inexplicably been knocked off her pedestal and broken one day last week?
I would like to think that iON is above such shenanigans BUT..... given the climate around here anymore, no thing should surprise me!!

anyway, I just came back from a place in town where I go to take a shower every few days (long story but I have no bathroom in my house at the moment)
I asked Dee, the owner if they were closed last Sat because I made a special trip in -found the place totally dark/door locked/ no cars in the lot/NOBODY around, even though it was past their "opening time"! Sometimes the girls are late coming in, no problemo, so I ran some errands and went back 30-45 minutes later..STILL nobody around... ran more errands and went back a third time-still the same-

Dee gave me a puzzled look, showed me their book and said,
"What do you mean? This place was HOPPING all day Saturday! We were here from 8am on."


Now somebody explain THAT to me please.....no hot air/fluff or whatever bull crap Legend likes to toss my way about being full of it, yada yada....(see why I don't post?)

This has happened to me with this SAME place numerous times before when they have told me that "yeah we were open, what do you mean?"
but this time she showed me their book and indeed they were booked full the entire day!

Now I know I wasn't dreaming, I went to the store, have the items I bought as proof that I did indeed go to town at that time-am absolutely positive that the place was locked up tighter than a drum/parking lot totally empty and NOBODY around anywhere!

maybe this isn't as woo woo as locking your keys in your car, :mrgreen:
but something happened here folks!!

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 4:32 pm 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Location: So Cal
yes - Tullah - I love these stories of anomalies - hence my fantasy football name is "Dream Legend" - some of life appears just as you dream it and other parts of life are so fucked up you think it can only be a dream- relaxing away the "why" is now my journey, for as iON would say there are no accidents- vibrational proximity accounts for actions and re-actions- keep the anomalies coming-angels, ghost, spirits, parallel worlds, its all part of the engaging - all this crap of a standardized life of birth and death and heaven and hell the Church and School bake and serve is a slippery slope at best -

Here's a good clip of a ghost or is it a goblin :

http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-ghost-stor ... 7407.story


 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 5:46 pm 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Location: So Cal
Bob, your crap is starting to stink- it always had a bit of a stench, but now its getting stinky:

like this:

And it would serve you well, Legend, to learn from her present example. You may come to know the traits of the rail you went off so many months ago.


BOB: No, not a good idea, Legend. It'll only serve to distract you from the greatest anomaly ALIVE today - iON!! I created it and nobody's anomaly is going to top iON. Don't even try. All of your anomalies - whether they've occurred yet or to come - are PUNY!!! compared to mine. So let them lie in peace... let them lie in peace....

Now, little people, stand back and monitor the oddity-working power of iON!!!

Go on, get to it... come on.

Bob Neveritt

yes, were waiting (monitoring) for you to get on with it - as you re-gurgitate vague empty analysis from previous post, and Cash Flow Shows it reveals your desperate pursuit to prolong your tenure with iON- your still clinging onto your analysis of "WHY, HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHO" - will you ever embrace what iON is preaching ?

a) when you make comments at the end of a show like "were building a new civilization" and "you wont believe what's going on at the post office box I visit every week" in an attempt to hold the interest of your 11 listeners - you appear to be nearing the end of the road- the most recent shows were boooooring - and we had hoped for so much more ! have you popped and fizzled ?

b) you post in and out of 3rd person or under pseudo names to purposely confuse the reader or make jibberish analysis (sense) of the thinning of the veil - yet besides iON (which still has you baffled) you personally have not revealed (or can remember) any tales of this "thinning" - which begs the question - have you learned how to apply any of this anomaly (iON) to your day to day existence ? bi-location (he's up to 5+/- now) ? telepathy ? parallel world travelling ? clairvoyance ? re-wiring (over-laying) the labrynth of your mind ? tri-angulation ? oh wait - hold on - iON says you do it - but just dont remember - you've BEEN saying that for nearly two years now

c) you make broad undefined statements like "your words create your reality" or "your perception is yours, not anyone else's" ok sounds good ! why not make another rant of McLuhan
telling us he knew mass electronic media would have an impact on social norms; no shit ?

d) lets raise the stakes Mister "I created it and nobody's anomaly is going to top iON." > bring on a contestant to the Cash Flow show (an innocent chap) - allow iON to tell things about this innocent chap that no-one else would know while the chap (confirms or denies them)-then have iON bi-locate to his/her location and bring back an item (i.e. coffee mug, or trinkett of sort)- WALAH - its magic !
otherwise we are left with sharing our own anomalies among us - we know you may become jealous with such- but your incessant need to harbor a fugitive (iON) will only result in more delayed denial !


 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 9:56 pm 
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Joined: July 20th, 2010, 10:06 pm
Posts: 74
It's as though the inmates are running the asylum.

one-flew-over-the-cuckoos-nest-4.jpg [ 56.73 KiB | Viewed 250 times ]
 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 10:29 pm 

Joined: September 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm
Posts: 119
Hello again all you "little people"
(what is this-"Gulliver's Travels??" :mrgreen:

what a day.....

I had the oil changed in my car....they pointed out that the coolant reservoir was EMPTY (huh?) they showed me-it sure enough was!!
I had antifreeze at home so didn't opt to give them 12 bucks extra to add a couple qts.
As soon as I got home. I got my bottle of antifreeze and was going to add some when I noticed that the reservoir was FULL..(WTF!?!)
I had just seen with my own eyes less than 20 minutes before that it was EMPTY!

I had a dental appointment in the afternoon...another freaky (but nice) surprise....(anomaly? i dunno but...)
the teeth we had the in depth discussion about just last week when I went for cleaning and exam-the teeth he was supposed to work on today.....they acted like they knew no thing about..(WTF?)
I KNEW which one he worked on last, I KNEW what he planned to do today-they told me in advance what it would cost to have the work done.... (I stay on top of these things believe me!)
so it was all a bit confusing... but we got the problem teeth fixed and I started to leave..
when I went to pay, the woman couldn't find my records...

(HUH I was JUST frickin there a week ago and she can't "find" my records (!?!) or find me in their system??!!)

she seemed confused....started throwing out numbers for what I owed them-ALL different from what we had agreed upon previously
I just stood there dumbfounded...
then the dental assistant came to the office, smiled at me and told the office gal (and me)....."Oh, don't worry about it... this is NO CHARGE today."

whoo hooooooo!!!
now I don't know WTF happened here but I ain't complaining!! :-)

here's another interesting thing that just happened -nothing necessarily woo woo but cool none the less and an example of the power of thought

I have a friend that breeds very expensive very unusual Russian Peterbald cats.
I was rather taken by their exotic beauty and wanted one, but did not have the mega bucks required to obtain one of these little gems.....
I put the desire out there and then forgot about it...

A few days ago I received an e-mail from my friend saying that she had a cat whose owner had gone into a nursing home and thus the cat needed a new home.
She said she immediately thought of me and she wanted me to come by and see what I thought-
it was not a Peterbald but an American Sphynx-(same family but a little stockier build than the Peterbalds)
-show quality, all shots/spayed/declawed .... (a real laid back amazing cat!!) for a re-homing fee of $100!
\The previous owners easily had 25 times that invested! (easily! the original bloodlines of these guys were from Russia and cost 12 Grand for the pair...whoah!)

I picked Dharma up today and she is soooooooo unbelievably cool... amazing eyes ...she acts like she's known me forever..has already won over the rest of the menagerie and is THE most laid back, well behaved and unusual cat I've ever been around!!

now a note of caution to all you marvelous creators out there....
this stuff works both ways, so DO be careful
This summer I was cooling off in the lake.
I had just read about something happening to the snake population around here (which didn't break my heart since I'm not a fan of reptiles!) and was thinking to myself...."Gee, I HAVEN'T seen any snakes this year" ( which is unusual)
NO more had that thought slipped out ...and I was BITTEN by a cotton mouth water moccasin!!!

so dupes, DO be careful about what you put out.....
I didn't get treatment but I also didn't die so I guess it was a lesson well learned

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 10:41 pm 

Joined: September 9th, 2010, 6:33 pm
Posts: 119
Mattrose wrote:
It's as though the inmates are running the asylum.

feels like home

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 11:31 pm 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
Legend wrote:
Bob, your crap is starting to stink- it always had a bit of a stench, but now its getting stinky:

like this:

And it would serve you well, Legend, to learn from her present example. You may come to know the traits of the rail you went off so many months ago.


BOB: No, not a good idea, Legend. It'll only serve to distract you from the greatest anomaly ALIVE today - iON!! I created it and nobody's anomaly is going to top iON. Don't even try. All of your anomalies - whether they've occurred yet or to come - are PUNY!!! compared to mine. So let them lie in peace... let them lie in peace....

Now, little people, stand back and monitor the oddity-working power of iON!!!

Go on, get to it... come on.

Bob Neveritt

yes, were waiting (monitoring) for you to get on with it - as you re-gurgitate vague empty analysis from previous post, and Cash Flow Shows it reveals your desperate pursuit to prolong your tenure with iON- your still clinging onto your analysis of "WHY, HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHO" - will you ever embrace what iON is preaching ?

a) when you make comments at the end of a show like "were building a new civilization" and "you wont believe what's going on at the post office box I visit every week" in an attempt to hold the interest of your 11 listeners - you appear to be nearing the end of the road- the most recent shows were boooooring - and we had hoped for so much more ! have you popped and fizzled ?

b) you post in and out of 3rd person or under pseudo names to purposely confuse the reader or make jibberish analysis (sense) of the thinning of the veil - yet besides iON (which still has you baffled) you personally have not revealed (or can remember) any tales of this "thinning" - which begs the question - have you learned how to apply any of this anomaly (iON) to your day to day existence ? bi-location (he's up to 5+/- now) ? telepathy ? parallel world travelling ? clairvoyance ? re-wiring (over-laying) the labrynth of your mind ? tri-angulation ? oh wait - hold on - iON says you do it - but just dont remember - you've BEEN saying that for nearly two years now

c) you make broad undefined statements like "your words create your reality" or "your perception is yours, not anyone else's" ok sounds good ! why not make another rant of McLuhan
telling us he knew mass electronic media would have an impact on social norms; no shit ?

d) lets raise the stakes Mister "I created it and nobody's anomaly is going to top iON." > bring on a contestant to the Cash Flow show (an innocent chap) - allow iON to tell things about this innocent chap that no-one else would know while the chap (confirms or denies them)-then have iON bi-locate to his/her location and bring back an item (i.e. coffee mug, or trinkett of sort)- WALAH - its magic !
otherwise we are left with sharing our own anomalies among us - we know you may become jealous with such- but your incessant need to harbor a fugitive (iON) will only result in more delayed denial !

BOB: I'm not answering your insinuations and probes, Legend, until you prove to me you're serious and REALLY want to know what I think.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 11:33 pm 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
tullah wrote:
Hello again all you "little people"
(what is this-"Gulliver's Travels??" :mrgreen:

what a day.....

I had the oil changed in my car....they pointed out that the coolant reservoir was EMPTY (huh?) they showed me-it sure enough was!!
I had antifreeze at home so didn't opt to give them 12 bucks extra to add a couple qts.
As soon as I got home. I got my bottle of antifreeze and was going to add some when I noticed that the reservoir was FULL..(WTF!?!)
I had just seen with my own eyes less than 20 minutes before that it was EMPTY!

I had a dental appointment in the afternoon...another freaky (but nice) surprise....(anomaly? i dunno but...)
the teeth we had the in depth discussion about just last week when I went for cleaning and exam-the teeth he was supposed to work on today.....they acted like they knew no thing about..(WTF?)
I KNEW which one he worked on last, I KNEW what he planned to do today-they told me in advance what it would cost to have the work done.... (I stay on top of these things believe me!)
so it was all a bit confusing... but we got the problem teeth fixed and I started to leave..
when I went to pay, the woman couldn't find my records...

(HUH I was JUST frickin there a week ago and she can't "find" my records (!?!) or find me in their system??!!)

she seemed confused....started throwing out numbers for what I owed them-ALL different from what we had agreed upon previously
I just stood there dumbfounded...
then the dental assistant came to the office, smiled at me and told the office gal (and me)....."Oh, don't worry about it... this is NO CHARGE today."

whoo hooooooo!!!
now I don't know WTF happened here but I ain't complaining!! :-)

here's another interesting thing that just happened -nothing necessarily woo woo but cool none the less and an example of the power of thought

I have a friend that breeds very expensive very unusual Russian Peterbald cats.
I was rather taken by their exotic beauty and wanted one, but did not have the mega bucks required to obtain one of these little gems.....
I put the desire out there and then forgot about it...

A few days ago I received an e-mail from my friend saying that she had a cat whose owner had gone into a nursing home and thus the cat needed a new home.
She said she immediately thought of me and she wanted me to come by and see what I thought-
it was not a Peterbald but an American Sphynx-(same family but a little stockier build than the Peterbalds)
-show quality, all shots/spayed/declawed .... (a real laid back amazing cat!!) for a re-homing fee of $100!
\The previous owners easily had 25 times that invested! (easily! the original bloodlines of these guys were from Russia and cost 12 Grand for the pair...whoah!)

I picked Dharma up today and she is soooooooo unbelievably cool... amazing eyes ...she acts like she's known me forever..has already won over the rest of the menagerie and is THE most laid back, well behaved and unusual cat I've ever been around!!

now a note of caution to all you marvelous creators out there....
this stuff works both ways, so DO be careful
This summer I was cooling off in the lake.
I had just read about something happening to the snake population around here (which didn't break my heart since I'm not a fan of reptiles!) and was thinking to myself...."Gee, I HAVEN'T seen any snakes this year" ( which is unusual)
NO more had that thought slipped out ...and I was BITTEN by a cotton mouth water moccasin!!!

so dupes, DO be careful about what you put out.....
I didn't get treatment but I also didn't die so I guess it was a lesson well learned

BOB: Nice try, tullah, but I'm not falling for/believing these fabricated incidents. Let's talk about something we both know - iON!

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: somebody remind me again......
PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 11:38 pm 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
tullah wrote:
ok dupes, (legend)

This kind of stuff happens with me so much anymore that I don't even bother to post-as nobody ever has any explanation or has anything constructive to say.... and dear uGH uGH man lends absolutely NO insight since I'm on his sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet list ! ;-Q

BTW I can't help but wonder if one of his veiled threats of me being "smote" by his "angels", was the cause of a 4 ft angel of mine to have inexplicably been knocked off her pedestal and broken one day last week?
I would like to think that iON is above such shenanigans BUT..... given the climate around here anymore, no thing should surprise me!!

anyway, I just came back from a place in town where I go to take a shower every few days (long story but I have no bathroom in my house at the moment)
I asked Dee, the owner if they were closed last Sat because I made a special trip in -found the place totally dark/door locked/ no cars in the lot/NOBODY around, even though it was past their "opening time"! Sometimes the girls are late coming in, no problemo, so I ran some errands and went back 30-45 minutes later..STILL nobody around... ran more errands and went back a third time-still the same-

Dee gave me a puzzled look, showed me their book and said,
"What do you mean? This place was HOPPING all day Saturday! We were here from 8am on."


Now somebody explain THAT to me please.....no hot air/fluff or whatever bull crap Legend likes to toss my way about being full of it, yada yada....(see why I don't post?)

This has happened to me with this SAME place numerous times before when they have told me that "yeah we were open, what do you mean?"
but this time she showed me their book and indeed they were booked full the entire day!

Now I know I wasn't dreaming, I went to the store, have the items I bought as proof that I did indeed go to town at that time-am absolutely positive that the place was locked up tighter than a drum/parking lot totally empty and NOBODY around anywhere!

maybe this isn't as woo woo as locking your keys in your car, :mrgreen:
but something happened here folks!!

BOB: You expect me to believe these fantasies. Give us some pictures or whatever, tullah. Better still, let's talk about something we both know - iON!!

Bob Neveritt

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