Hello iON my name is Steve (aka Legend);
I have 3 questions (topics on the table this morning - (bing - bang - bong) - or 1- 2- 3 - or what do you think about ? NO correlation to one another but I will pose the questions separately as into "keep em separated" - Offspring
Question 1:
I listened to the video interview of Peter Sterling by Camelot (Kerry Cassiday) from the Information Farm website- he said he dropped some Ayahuasaca with some Shamans and wooolah he experienced aliens (little greys) telling him about the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) that's on its way from the center of the Galaxy that should arive "AROUND" 2012- they took him up up and away in their craft of some sort - witnessed by others from the same gathering - He also mentioned all the portals are now opened - and humans will be activating their double helix chromosone 14 (DNA) to reach this higher frequency of allowance. Question : Does he have it close or is he a little mixed up due to the Ayahuasaca ?
Bless God WE like this format
The bill of particulars are fine, but it really starts to sound like Peter has, like you, been listening to US. It is OK either way, and even with one toke over the line sweet Jesus, the mind can relax, and lots of notions can then be allowed for consideration.
3 of 3
Hello iON, you previously concurred with Peter Sterling's take on 3 topics within his testimony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XQbf4vOx_g a) Activation of Chromosone 14 b) All portals are open c) EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) is coming
Peter explains that the "Greys" scooped him up in their craft and explained to him an EMP is imminent and its a natural recurring process earth goes through to "re-set" (cleanse) herself and its happened many times before:
1) is this an accurate assessment ?
2) is this what you have been referring to when you suggest the "fastest exit may be behind you ?" We are to activate our Chromosone 14 which will allow us to embrace our new gifts and "exit" through portals and/or gates when the EMP approaches around 2012?
3) The Greys also explained to Peter we should leave the planet while this process occurs - is this also why you have explained we are not earthly bound ?