tayzay wrote:
Glad to have You here.
Did the name iON said at the end of your session align with You?
Hope you call-in on Wednesday Cash Flow show soon.
Thank you,
TayZay! I posted a response in the "name" thread, but
no, I haven't found the meaning yet. Will post there if I do.
I would love to call in Cash Flow, but I'm a 9-5er. And this job
keeps me running. If I ever get a chance, I definitely will.
I'm just glad that the Cash Flow show exists, and that all of this
is happening as it is.
Thank you!
booked wrote:
Thank you,
booked. Right back at you! I enjoyed the video.
I was listening to some jazz fusion this morning, and some
easy tempo stuff...
Margarita wrote:
We go by many names.... dupes of hazard, ionettes, others
as housegagas

Bart…. I was delighted when I came across your twitter page about iON (and Bob).
Margarita! It was nice briefly chatting with you. haha
Ionettes! I've called myself an Ionite at some point. haha Happy to be
I'm glad you liked the Twitter page. I'm glad iON is there to post
about. I'm trying to spread the word, because it is "the" word.
I am hoping that, after my reading, I'll be able to share experiences
that arise that were prompted by my time with iON. I believe my time
there may have moved things to another level, so we'll see.
And thank you for the video link. Very nice!
Bob! You know, one of the first things I remember being uttered
by Bob, in one of the first Cash Flow shows I ever listened to, was
that some people consider Bob as the President. President of what
remains to be seen.
I think it's a fine designation. We can have a President in this shift.
Bob already acknowledges the appellation, and clearly treats it with
due frivolity and a carefree attitude, so I say, do it up!
Seriously, though, and I told Bob this, there isn't another human being
on the planet more suited to iON than Bob as regards what is happening.
Bob, in every respect, is perfect for the task he has undertaken.
He offers the intellect, and an intimate historical overview; his experience
and resume lends him a great degree of credibility; he is open to
the esoteric and understands the gravity of what is happening, but,
at the same time, is not mislead or misguided by a sense of self-importance,
or inflation of the ego.
He has an appropriately fluid philosophical (if that can be said) outlook; is
irrepressibly positive, and not in a forced, superficial or saccharin way, and
maintains a great sense of humor with a bit of self-effacement tossed in
for good measure.
There couldn't be a more perfect mix of characteristics in a person charged
with introducing non-physical to the world.
I'm happy to call him President, but I'm sure he's just as happy going by Bob.
He's the only president you can just call up and chew the fat.
Big shout out to Bob, without whom (and our non-physical) this would have
been much less of a success.