aSH wrote:
Interesting about the cheesy squeeze page for the "RNA Juice"...I think its funny as hell that Matt's using all of the iON speak and even claiming to provide "bread of living water"... (Matt's site as listed in that blog )
I may have been born yesterday...but I stayed up all night. I'm not buying it.
haha I
know - that's the first thing I thought when I saw Matt's website.
Not sure why he chose that format, but everything is as it should be.
When I saw it, though, I did sort of groan...Not another supplement. haha
Matt first got in touch with me about the first article I'd written on iON. After
interacting with him a bit, I felt he was on the level, so, I became (cautiously)
As I said in the article, I feel the drops were somewhat forecast to me through a
friend and contactee (I have no proof, but if you're curious, he shares his story here
I hadn't thought about the connection as a sort of sign / calling card I'd placed for
myself until Bob mentioned it during our phone call...Then a light when on. Of course! haha
What was unique about my friend's contact story is that it centered around
a future version of himself, who'd shown up throughout his life, but also included
future, human ETs / time travelers ("parallel worlders"). It also included portals,
which is really cool!
He'd said that this future version of himself was always much more physically fit / handsome.
The notion was foreign to me at the time; that is, that there were human ETs and
these folks, an advanced, upgraded form of "us", would return and make contact
with us (this was in 2008, and I hadn't gotten that far in my research along those
lines. I was still dealing with orbs and ufos).
There were a couple of occasions he recalls encountering this "drink".
What he said was that, the human ETs presented him with this little Dixie
cup (like a plastic Nyquil cup) with this milky substance in it. What he said happened
was just as I described it.
This liquid would bring the body into some sort of peak state: it would grow muscle,
and tighten up the physique. My friend recalled handicapped people recovering,
and people with missing limbs having them grow back.
It's been a while since I've spoken with him about these experiences, but when
I saw the photo it kind of blew my mind.
Matt's said he's had reports from other folks who were in the test phase, and
they're having phenomenal experiences. He also said that one of the folks testing
the drops was a registered nurse, and said she was experiencing symptoms of
I believe there is something to this, but I won't advertise until I've tested it.
I've decided to order some of the drops and to create an online journal detailing
my experiences (if any).
From everything I've experienced up to this point, I wouldn't be surprised if
what Matt has created (with iON's help) was revolutionary. And believe me,
I know how that sounds. I'm not only a client, I'm also...Oh, yeah, I'm just a client.
The drops cost, but so do readings with iON.
I have always adhered to the notion that anyone sharing information regarding what's
happening has a responsibility to their fellow man to provide that information free of
charge. I still believe this.
I will admit that it's bothered me that psychics, who could bring a lot of happiness
to folks, charged for their services.
Why (I'm not speaking to you specifically, aSH; just musing (o: ) would you charge for
that information if the only reason you're sharing it was to bring your fellows into a state
of power and knowing? You would reduce the number of people hearing your message,
and this would speak to your sincerity (or lack thereof).
However, there is something else happening as regards energy exchange. iON has
said it; and I've grasped the notion prior to that.
I've never disapproved of paying for services of this type. I've been bothered, yes,
but I always knew there was something to this exchange system...I just couldn't
put my finger on it. As a result, I was on the fence...
What happens when someone offers their services, for example, readings, for free?
First, perhaps, the perceived credibility factor may be reduced.
Second, the audience / customer may feel an entitlement to, or get into a position
of taking taking taking from the provider / reader (my apologies for being prolix...It's
a tendency...You can stop reading here...I just talk about money from here on out).
This constant taking, engaged by many people, would not only undermine the process
and intention of bringing people into their power by making them a) possibly become
dependent upon the reader through ease of access, but (also related) b) turn the process
into a casual endeavor (i.e., to almost become perfunctory with ease of access, and less
likely to be an impetus for true growth).
This taking would also drain and have, possibly, further detrimental effects on the reader.
The drain may actually take the reader out of commission. The regard should be considered
a two-way street.
The exchange in energy is a form of personal commitment. It is a tangible giving of
oneself, because the giver intends to get a return equal to or greater than their expenditure.
It also means you're taking the exchange seriously; bringing it to a level within yourself
that it becomes a greater impetus for your creative force and of greater benefit to you.
What, in particular, monetary (but it can also be barter) exchange does is to increase
one's awareness of the exchange taking place, and to imbue that exchange with
meaning, and a greater intention for that exchange to serve the payer.
A billionaire can throw thousands of dollars a day at psychics. It is less likely, in a case
like that, for the billionaire to achieve meaning and growth from his exchanges. He would
likely treat the exchanges like a trip to the hair stylist.
In matters of spirit, and "moving us along" (metaphorically speaking), what we get can be
considered commensurate (or greater) than what we give.
Even if what you're ultimately paying for is to realize you're Dorothy, and you had the power
all along...Still, it is important, however you do it, to come to that point.
How much consideration are you going to give if you're getting something for free, or paying
a dollar for it; versus how much attention and intention you give when you feel a tangible
and meaningful giving of yourself to this endeavor?
It's an investment of your being. It makes you take the exchange seriously, and gives it
significance to you.
Bringing this back to iON, iON is freely sharing on the open broadcasts for free what he
is, essentially, sharing in his readings. David Wilcock is also following this half and half
model, and I think it's the best way to balance the freedom versus exchange system.
I can't say I've come to a full and complete resolution on the issue of paying in this
arena, but iON and Wilcock seem to have created the perfect solution.
And, as regards Matt, he's gone to great expenditure of his own to create his product,
and to make it available to a greater number of people.
Many people will slough off the product from incredulity, but it is available nonetheless.
I understand the skepticism, and I'm in agreement until I can validate his claims. I have
every confidence, however, that I will.
In any event, I will start a blog page this weekend, as I'm expecting the drops early
next week. We'll see how it goes. My hunch is it will go very well, but you'll know soon
I write more before 9am than most people write all day! haha
I will try to keep my posts under 1,000 words...And you wonder why I have a website...