tayzay wrote:
Here is a recent TV ad:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mevhLQJg7MIs the simultaneity of visual imagery a way to perceive 'Time' as
stacked up Nows? mmmmmmm
A past,present,future rolled up within the continuim of your now.
Kinda does away with time as we know it.
See, that's where they got it wrong. The Mayans wouldn't even see
the car. hehe
Can we describe the separate elements that are being mashed
together here? Do we even care to?
It seems like they address this recent trend of cops going bad /
violating the laws they were sworn to uphold, but in a lighthearted
way, of course.
It touches on Black Ops, ufos and the Mayans, but how does Poseidon
fit into the picture? Maybe someone can make the connection...
This is a Korean automaker. However, they still fall in line with the West,
using the same symbology used in their corporate logo.
The Wikipedia page on Kia Motors says, "The word Kia derives from Korean
words meaning "to arise to the world from Asia."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_MotorsKIA sports the same "eye" associated with the Illuminati symbolism in a
(I suppose) creative / nondescript way. So, whomever this group(s) is
that has influence and authority over U.S. and European corporations,
is obviously extending (has extended) their reach to the East.
I don't want to get Bob started, because I know this is just playing
with this subject matter in a very superficial way. It's of no consequence
anyway, as we are the real power on this planet now. Ya heard!
Still, for those interested, here's a breakdown of the KIA logo, with some
others tossed in for reference.

Someone can take a stab at what the "K" and the upside down "V" stand for.
The "V" could represent a pyramid, which we know the Illuminati (whomever)
likes to use.
The "K" could stand for knowledge (ostensibly, I'm sure it represents Korea)...
Anyway, who really cares? hahah
If I can wax Bob, using great artistic license, it could be a representation of the TV /
Chip Body(?) retrieving(?) these mystery memes and regurgitating them in a way
(as a mishmash) that reduces all of it to a confused, inconsequential mess...
Maybe Chad or Bob will intervene and save me the embarrassment as I try to
emulate McLuhan...
I don't know...It's just a commercial. haha