iON wrote:
Okay Bart WE will do this again...
Riddle, riddle, every where.
Do DnA strands actually tear?
I looked and looked to great despair!
To calculate a connecting pair.
If they hook ye not, within the lair,
Is it possible to repeat sequence there?
New info et al is certainly to declare
Bart this one is 30 : Love
Your volley
I heard you the first time. haahha And not so artfully
tried to dodge this one.
Yes, DNA strands can tear. And don't despair - they're all
They can separate under certain conditions, like a zipper,
and easily be re-combined.
A single DNA strand can also be used to replicate the donor
(as per your Fifth Element video segment).
iON wrote:
If they hook ye not, within the lair,
Is it possible to repeat sequence there?
New info et al is certainly to declare
If "they" hook ye not, within the lair...hmmm
If the excerpt (imm. above) is an inquiry as to whether
or not a split strand can be used to replicate itself, the
answer is yes - the same information is duplicated on
each strand in the pair.
Not sure this is what you meant (I'm trying to relate this
to RnA Drops...).
If they hook ME not, within the lair, is it possible to repeat
sequence there?
The sequence / replication occurs now, ad infinitum, and
although perfect, the replication is currently (for those not on
the RnA Drops) producing substandard copies.
By applying the RnA Drops, not only is new information provided
to the DNA strands, it is also activating dormant DNA strands
until all 144,000 double helix strands are activated.
When this happens, you return to your original condition - that
of an ascended being.
My question would be, Can the DNA strands of an ascended being
be torn? I say no.
Please clean up where necessary.
Most ascendedly,