rhyee wrote:
Indralady wrote:
She deserved every word you gave her.
BOB: Someone complained that Eben rambled on too much. But the dummies/"engineers" in Idaho screwed up and didn't know I was on the line to be the guest for the second hour so Eben was just filling in time until she found out I was there.
Then a listener just told me that the engineers did censor me and where I thought I was playfully talking over Eben nobody got to here that, including Eben.
But there will be no censorship on Wed. nite.
Bob Dobbs
I was wondering how this Rumor Mill thing would work knewing that Raylan never asked you back because you blew holes in her reality the last time....LOL...
You know that when you debunked her belief there would be hell to pay (at least what she thinks is hell). I know that Eben never told Raylan who she was having on, and then when she said it was you, Raylan called the engineer and gave him/her instruction....But Bob can not be stopped!!!!
Goooooooooooooo Bob!