chad wrote:
Bart wrote:
Of course, I know Chad has gone into this with iON at length, and his input would really
add to this conversation.
Bart, et al.,
Here is my best input thus far on the topic of parallel world travel.
The symbol legend apparatus is
old-school and those archives are
not a compendium on the subject of parallel world travel. I don't advise anyone to apply those constructs without a significant update/cleanup straight from the source's mouth (ie. a
private session with iON).
Besides, the public archives are only the tip of the iceberg. What's below the surface is
Thanks, Chad. Agreed.
Definitely not a compendium, but perhaps a starting place (outside of direct
interaction with iON).
The public archives, and the board here, are our only easily accessed reference
points for items under discussion.
Despite the fact that all of the archives and hundreds of posts are more
massage than guidance or instruction, they're still a better starting place
than an "alternative / spiritual" website (I don't wish to get into a discussion
of there being no difference between a printed word here or elsewhere as
regards their equal uselessness, but in general, folks get the idea).
As with everything this group has produced (spoken or written), Bob and
Carolyn's disclaimer is always appropriate (paraphrasing), "This show is for
entertainment purposes only..."
I consider my posts (for those who enjoy them) as a massage, and nothing
else. For Bob, torture perhaps...
We do it for fun. Otherwise, without a doubt, the best starting place for any
query is iON.
The labyrinth enjoys a rubdown every once in a while, and that's why we're
We throw the brain a cookie now and then, while we work to undermine its
sovereignty. hehe

We have the "God-field / all-knowing iON" (See also "you") interacting with
us here on the boards, and he's just posting Youtube videos.
If that isn't illustrative, I don't know what is.