BOB: Haramein will make you stupid.
Bob -
I agree studying sacred Geometry isn't going to help with your Ascension.
All I said is "Its fascinating" and fun I might add. But how would you know ...
you don't have a clue what Haramein's insights are nor his proofs
(mathematical and observational).
That said there are historical anomalies Haramein likes to speculate about and
he would do well to talk to iON about such matters.
BTW. You should take this picture off iON's web-site since its all related.
But on the other hand I kind of like this picture ... reminds me of my Avatar.
BOB: We might have to make a lot of changes to the website since it was designed to appeal to the 99%ers. iON, as you know, has dropped them from their radar screen.