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 Post subject: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 1st, 2012, 6:56 pm 

Joined: May 8th, 2010, 5:55 pm
Posts: 33
On Achieve Radio: http://achieveradio.com/cash-flow/. Click on the "Archives" for January 1, 2012.

And also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDzB42QKtdE

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 1st, 2012, 11:28 pm 

Joined: November 12th, 2011, 9:03 pm
Posts: 26
Wow! What's next? I need more input.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 1:31 am 
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:o :o :o :o ...... :D

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 1:35 am 
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From the Urantia ste "Abundant Hope"

This charade almost makes Benjamin Fulford and his sidekick David Wilcock look good
By Ron Chapman
Jan 1, 2012 - 7:06:28 PM

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Reader Ron: This charade almost makes Benjamin Fulford and his sidekick David Wilcock look good

Posted at RMN By: Jordon
Date: Sunday, 1-Jan-2012 18:59:56

In Response To: Massive Changes - A New Global Economic Restructuring!!! Please spread Far and Wide!! (Jordon)

Hi Ron, let's give this some time to sink in, this seems to go hand in hand with the Keenan lawsuit and also the info posted on Steve's site. Also the white hats said the global settlements must be done first before the Iraqi Dinar can re-value. Let's stay optimistic... can it really get any worse? :(



Reader Ron says:

G’day Jordan,

I trust that you are well, enjoying the New Year and looking forward to humanity’s transition.

I sat through the video ‘A New Global Economic Restructuring’. The first 10.5 minutes was mostly a monologue by a female off camera with interjected earnest expressions and placebo style verbiage from a sincere looking male (James Martinez) on camera who mouthed “the good news” that there are people who are trying to fix the system; and that his spiel has been thought out quite well to deliver the good news “in the best light”. WHY is it necessary to present such “good news” in the best light? Can it be perceived in some other light?

He also tells us that: ‘’This statement is not a random thing – um - it will be followed up PROBABLY, by details further down the road.’
Instead of telling us that details will PROBABLY be given later why not give them NOW?

James Martinez also says ”this is supposed to be the medicine for the planet”, people watching are gonna hear information that is new and provocative, and [they] are gonna have to adjust and realise that there are good people in the world that are trying to – ar – fix the system … and prop up and create a better world for everybody.’ Sooo, why must people ‘realise those things? Who gives a chit about the anonymous people referred to and what James Martinez says they are doing? BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM. Let’s see their fruits, instead of a carefully crafted, UNINFORMATIVE spiel on CMN TV.

If this information has been worked on for many years by “good people” and its such “good news”; why does James Martinez admit that they are TRYING to fix the system … and PROP UP AND CREATE A BETTER WORLD”? Either they are going to FIX it OR they are going to “prop it up”. Which is it? IF they are only going to PROP it up, why are they making such a song and dance about it? After all the whole global finance and banking crock of chit needs to be eliminated root and branch (to mix metaphors).

James Martinez is introduced as a “LAYMAN”. What does that mean and what does it imply to the audience? Is it a genuflection to the financial priesthood? Why? What is sooo complex about money that we have to be reminded that this spokesman for some concealed (shy?) group of “good people” who have concocted a plan to save the world, is a LAYMAN?

AND why does James Martinez make several references to “little people”? WHO are these little people and how do they differ from the implicitly “Big People” who are secretly organising this new money system for the benefit of the “little people”?

The much vaunted statement read out was a let down as well. Who doesn’t know that Milton Friedman was full of chit? And why is this statement full of quotes from banksters anyway? In any event wouldn’t it be more helpful to actually SAY what this proposed secret system IS and how it will differ from the current fiat money system? For instance, will Central Banks be abolished? Will fractional reserve system banking be abolished? Will banks no longer have government licences to create money out of thin air OR AT ALL? Will banks be prevented from defrauding customers by charging interest (usury) on non-existent money they pretend to create and lend to customers? Does this secret group of b(w)ankers intend that there will be only ONE Central Bank and one global currency? If so, why?

Surely what is required to save our world is an honest and successful attempt to eliminate corporate personhood so that corporate governments, banks, transnational corporations and so-called (corporate) charitable trusts can no longer exist let alone dominate every aspect of political, economic and social life? No? Why not?

This charade almost makes Benjamin Fulford and his sidekick David Wilcock look good. At least the Fulford roadshow acknowledges that its bunch of global b(w)anking saviours consist of a breakaway coterie of the usual suspects.


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 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 7:27 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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I reckon reader Ron is right (couldn't help myself), who even likes
to capitalize his six degrees of separation,

reader Ron wrote:
"WHY is it necessary to present such “good news” in the best light? .

Hey, can I comment? Great.

iON goes away for a little bit and suddenly James is announcing a global financial

My sense has been that James has been working, privately (i.e., without Bob or
iON's direct involvement), on these issues.

James ends the video interview with an ascension comment, however, so perhaps
he has sought iON's / Bob's counsel on this.

To me, as Bob and iON are on the radar of every high office in this, or any other
country on the planet, James, having a direct association with Bob and iON through
their weekly broadcasts, is a possible candidate for this sort of a communique.

Remember two things (that Ron the reader is unable to grasp or fathom), that the
Second Coming / First Contact is taking place on James' show, Cash Flow (AKA,
"PayDay"), and the first advanced technology bestowed upon us by future ETs /
the Guf / the authors of the bible, RnA Drops (AKA shewbread), are being sold on
a single website by a private seller.

Those selected by iON for his / her / its contact - his visible interaction with and
involvement in our environment, may appear at first not the most likely candidates
for an engagement of this profundity and magnitude, but as you watch the process
unfold, you can't help but appreciate the beauty of it all, and soon realize it couldn't
be any other way.

It's no coincidence that iON appears weekly on James Martinez' broadcast. No one
else enjoys that level of involvement outside of the triad.

Everyone seems to hold a position (office) of sorts, and iON hand picks the folks
he wishes to be involved.

Bob, Carolyn and JW are the triad that manifested this contact.

JW is the conduit for contact / communication with this new environment / source /
Guf energy.

Bob is the translator and intermediary for this energy / environment.

Carolyn is the grounding that allowed this emergence, and the lovely muse, counterpart
and balance for Bob, keeping his train from completely running off the tracks.

Matthew is the sole source for the biblical shewbread / ascension mead.

And James appears a likely candidate as a messenger / intermediary for the financial
aspect to this whole unfolding.

It's almost as if iON were activating folks to perform a specific role / office.

Given the above, absolutely anything is possible.

Bob, can you clarify?

Wilcock and Fulford, among others, have been talking some sort of global financial
transformation for some time, but they're focusing on the conspiracies / chemical
bodies - they want arrests, thinking that represents the road to recovery.

Wilcock and Fulford believe that whatever high office(s) with which they've been
interacting can render some sort of an effect on the electronic environment.

We already know that the electronic financial system is an environment beyond
regulation, control and oversight.

We're free-floating.

Remember, as Bob said, iON has been playing with the markets, driving the numbers
way up one day, and dropping them by just as much another.

Bob said that iON is going to crash the markets - when he's ready to do so.

It should be a given that Bob's statement has already circulated where it counts.
Perhaps those statements greased the skids, or accelerated the process.

This is out of everyone's hands.

Just curious if there is anything iONic to James' proclamations.

We know that James wasn't totally on board with iON until about the last six to
eight weeks. Bob said James was intrigued by iON, and knew something was
there, but, it seems, hadn't begun to grasp the scope and gravity of iON until
more recently.

I say this, because there is every possibility that James has been involved with
his own contacts, separate from the Bob / iON situation.

In any event, would love to hear Bob weigh in.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 10:38 am 

Joined: May 8th, 2010, 5:55 pm
Posts: 33
Faberge: Well, David Wilcock calls this announcement a "hoax", and says that James is just looking for "publicity". Oh, this is just too much phun :lol: !!!!

Here it is:


We are putting the finishing touches on Part III. This is a VERY significant and comprehensive article for reasons I am not at liberty to disclose, but should be apparent within a reasonable amount of time.

So yes... I am fine and have been working straight through the holidays, though at a more relaxed speed than during other times of the year.

The moderators informed me we are getting inundated with comments from people linking to a story on Conscious Media Network about someone claiming to represent an alliance of 130 countries that will be launching a new financial system.

THIS IS A HOAX. I am now in direct contact with the top people organizing the 122-nation alliance we have been speaking of, as a consequence of getting deeply involved in investigating and writing about the lawsuit -- and they told me this story is not true.

It is possible that we are just dealing with someone looking for publicity. It is also possible that this is intended to distract people from the real issue and do it in a way that can be discredited, so people do not believe the real story.

Anyway, my goal is to have the new article up ASAP. Stay tuned!


The above comments have attracted attention, as we are still being inundated with people linking to this interview as if it were true.

Since I am in direct contact with the organizers of the Monaco Accords -- the 122-nation alliance -- let me say this:

The "old guard" were not even INVITED to these meetings -- and if any of them showed up, they were turned away. Fulford documented all of this at the time.

The number of nations that was chosen -- namely 130 -- is too close to the Monaco Accords figure to be accidental.

That being said, Kerry Cassidy vouched for the legitimacy of the man giving the information. That would imply that whomever told him this is lying to him.

It is also interesting, and may be significant, that less than 24 hours before this story broke on the Internet, one of the chief organizers of the "real" Monaco Accords was hit by a car and narrowly escaped with his life.

He is very lucky to have had fairly minor injuries, and will be fine. Nonetheless he is in a lot of pain and is mostly staying in bed.

To me, all of this is only further proof that the negative elite are on their last legs and are making desperate moves to stave off their inevitable defeat."

Source: http://wp.me/p1dHgy-22K

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 12:37 pm 
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Bart wrote:
Bob, can you clarify?...
... In any event, would love to hear Bob weigh in.

BOB: I am fully aware of the group that James is in contact with.

They have offered to assist iONdom and we are presently considering their application.

However, I have never taken Wilcock or Fulford seriously.

They should not ever bother to send a "role" application to me.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 5:17 pm 
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rhyee wrote:
Bart wrote:
Bob, can you clarify?...
... In any event, would love to hear Bob weigh in.

BOB: I am fully aware of the group that James is in contact with.

They have offered to assist iONdom and we are presently considering their application.

However, I have never taken Wilcock or Fulford seriously.

They should not ever bother to send a "role" application to me.

Bob Neveritt

Figured. Thanks.


 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 5:50 pm 

Joined: April 28th, 2010, 1:10 pm
Posts: 141
Thanks for your take on things Bart as always! Helps to sort things out.

I have much respect for Regina Meredith and her interview style. I first heard her interview James over 2 years ago which is what led me to iON et all. It is probably no coincidence that she is a piece in this puzzle as well.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 6:07 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:10 pm
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Don't forget...

Bart YOU have a role in all of this! Even on Regina's site, it
directs the audience to go to your site for more information
on RnA drops!

iON's penman?


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