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 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 6:22 pm 
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manitouriver wrote:
Thanks for your take on things Bart as always! Helps to sort things out.

I have much respect for Regina Meredith and her interview style. I first heard her interview James over 2 years ago which is what led me to iON et all. It is probably no coincidence that she is a piece in this puzzle as well.

You're welcome. I did re-read my post just now, and feel I may have
come off as going after James.

Want to make sure it's clear that that wasn't the case.

James is an awesome human being. Just wanted to determine if there
was an iONic component to this...

I initially made these observations (re: the "offices") when I got more
background on Bob and iON, etc., in the beginning.

This was in the first or second article I wrote on my site before being
invited over here.

Soon after I was exposed to Bob's timeline and learned more about him
it all made perfect sense.

When you see where Bob has been, what he's done and who he's met,
etc., you almost start to see Bob as an environment. haah

It's (the iON situation) this crazy, beautiful, seemingly spontaneous and
accidental "thing". haha

I remember Bob saying earlier on that JW and Bob, etc., weren't iON's first
choice, but the first arrangement didn't work out, so...

Now, iON's sense of humor is such that that might have been said in jest.
Only the triad know for sure...

(Edit 1/6/12 to add: Bob clarified this point. Bob (and JW) was never iON's second

Bob said that iON was actually considering several scenarios and candidates to
engage and that Bob (and JW), etc., was iON's first choice.

The Bob / Carolyn / JW triad was the contact point, and we're ever so glad.

Just wanted to clear that up.)

Either way, it's perfect.

iON's whole appearance has been so seemingly haphazard, and the folks
he's chosen to engage is such a mixed group, that it can only be seen as
this great work of art.

It's a symphony.

Not only that, Bob gave some background on the RnA Drops in the Conscious
Media Network interview, saying that he originally asked iON if he would assist
making the D-Cell.

iON said, "Sure, and we can make it better." So, out of this simple request,
we have the creation of the biblical shewbread, and the only product with
which you can ascend - iON's purpose for emerging (among others) in the first

Now, is that luck, or beautifully, and ingeniously orchestrated?

Well, of course it was orchestrated...but if it wasn't, we're sure fortunate Bob
and Carolyn had the inclination...ahhhh fear not.

Last edited by Bart on January 6th, 2012, 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 7:11 pm 

Joined: April 28th, 2010, 1:10 pm
Posts: 141
Yes, and what a penman he is! It didn't pick up on you going after James at all Bart. Only observations.

James intentions have been clear even prior to iON coming into the picture. He cares about people and the financial plight they have gotten into and has not been inclined to pull out his lounging chair just yet. Although my take is that iON recommends exactly that, so I hope James has taken council with iON.

Events seemingly are being orchestrated by all the gods/Gods/GODs involved and in that effective order. And we can only wonder how NP being loosed into the creative process will unfold in 2013 or whatever timing we are facing.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 8:00 am 
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manitouriver wrote:
Yes, and what a penman he is!


iON's the penman? He's more Youtubeman...or Squidbillyman. hehe

Actually, in recognition of our temporarily silent benefactor, a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKhScy7E_aI
(alt. link - http://goo.gl/QsP8t)

manitouriver wrote:

It didn't pick up on you going after James at all Bart. Only observations.

James intentions have been clear even prior to iON coming into the picture.

He cares about people and the financial plight they have gotten into and has not
been inclined to pull out his lounging chair just yet.

Although my take is that iON recommends exactly that, so I hope James has
taken council with iON.


We'll have to wait and see.

It's interesting to consider what one might say, or how one might respond to similar
requests (i.e., from people of similar offices and backgrounds).

Would we say, "Thanks, but no thanks"? Not sure...

We're engaging the same day-to-day experiences, with jobs and relationships,
we had before coming into this situation. Those dynamics may not have vanished,
or changed; or perhaps, they've changed / aligned to bring James into contact
with these folks...

I suggest it's a moot point, as the aftereffects of engaging the iON situation impart
a sort of self-correcting, or natural adjustment / alignment where things just sort
of clean themselves up.

In any event, I don't see, again, how any political or financial endeavor will have
any but a temporary, or transitional effect on what is happening.

What we know is a) that the financial system, globally, is essentially gone, and that
iON is about to allow it to crash completely; b) that through the, apparently, officially
sanctioned statements that James delivered, our political and financial institutions
realize the whole financial system is on its way down / out; and c) anything they (i.e.,
those same institutions) attempt to apply to the situation will eventually suffer the
same fate.

This isn't about repairing a broken financial apparatus, this is about a total removal
of it - a complete paradigm shift.

iON and Bob both have stated, and this is clear in light of everything that's happened
and is happening, that the whole financial system is going away.

The new currency is non-physical (e.g., the technology of non-physical, and our own
individual alignment, resonance and expression of our non-physical / source energy).

Just like our government offices / institutions (all of it, not just the alphabet agencies,
but all of the departments and arms of the government and military) are going to break
apart, and then vanish / become obsolete, so will the religious institutions, world financial
system(s), law enforcement - everything we've created and surrendered our power to
and asked to play the parent figure.

I remember iON quoting the bible, and speaking of the government buildings being
"hovels", or "caves for animals, or beasts". The buildings will literally be abandoned.


This isn't isolated to the financial institutions, the entire thing is coming down, and
fast. It can also be said, "According to our allowing, collectively and individually".

It's already happened. It's just a matter of us allowing these events into our experience.

iON's waiting on us.

There are other events that iON has shared, like water touching, or running just over
the feet of the Statue of Liberty, but, again, any events are, for the most part,
according to our individual allowing.

One would need to engage with iON, personally, to determine which events might
be shared by all of us, but Bob has stated that (paraphrasing), "The quake that drops
California into the ocean will not be in his experience."

This shows the complete power we have over what we experience. We are now creating
what we wish to experience through this transition, individually.

That being said, there are global events that we, collectively, have spoken and created,
which will come to pass. These creations will manifest.

Again, iON can clear that up for you in an engagement.

As iON stated, you're either on the train, or you're not. You're either with us, or you're
going bye-bye.

This (imm. above) is one of the most profound and serious declarative statements that
iON has made since his appearance. One that cannot be underestimated.

It's a force (albeit, of bliss), with a purpose, and if it is resisted or pushed against, woe
be to him that tries to get in its way.

Anything that is not of service to God (us) is getting the crap smote out of it.

manitouriver wrote:
And we can only wonder how NP being loosed into the creative
process will unfold in 2013 or whatever timing we are facing.


It is and will be beautiful.

I'm with Bob on this one. We're not operating with numbers. We're operating in
freaqencies and resonances.

When you create a mental image of the calendar year, you're engaging so-called
"time". And by doing so, you're creating a separation between you and you.

This is why iON has admonished folks waiting for 2012. It's a number on a piece of
paper that you're viewing with your eyes, now.

It's simply a fabrication you've engaged as a means of separating you from you.

It's important to realize that there is no future or past. You're engaging this written
message in your now, and this is all there is.

The calendrical date of 2012, or any date, is an excuse to divide us from us.

There is a process unfolding, yes, but that process is predicted on our own individual
expansion. Period.

If any perspective, or image is desired for this process, simply be aware of your
immediate surroundings, and your physical sensations.

You are literally the center of your world / universe. Everything is resonating out
from you.

I was going to say you're walking through your environment, and changing it all, but
there are more times that I feel like I'm swimming / floating.

We each, individually, create our environment / universe. And, at some point, we
will realize we are that environment, as well.

I heard Bob on a tailgate (can't remember which) say he had this experience of
looking out of his window at home and feeling like he was manipulating the clouds / sky.

He said it was like he was pulling a rubber band and moving them toward him, then

On perhaps the same tailgate, iON was talking to (I believe) Guru about some experience
Guru had had.

iON said, "What until you have an experience where you are the rain." This statement
hit home for me, because I'd had this very experience.

We are iON, and we are everything we see and experience. The images / projections
we have even of other people are ours. We could get into this topic at some length,
but on a basic level, this is the case.

Also, there is no traversing. We're each actually not moving or going anywhere. These
experiences are occurring around each of us - they are of us, but we're experiencing an
environment that requires no movement / action.

For example, Paris, France, isn't a location, it's a freaqency / resonance. When are you
able to go to Paris, France? When you've aligned / synched up / achieved a resonance
that will bring Paris, France into your experience.

As an example from my own experiences, iON asked me in one of my engagements
what it was I wanted to engage.

I couldn't think of anything (who can in those engagements? haha). The first thing that
came to mind was Disneyworld. So, he said, "go".

Well, I brought Disneyworld into my experience, and had a fair amount cleaned up in
doing so.

First, being anywhere when you're on the drops can be blissful (it will be more and more so).

This means that whether or not I'm in my home environment, or engaging Disneyworld,
as it turned out, I was in the same freaqency / resonance of bliss.

This meant that the environment wasn't as much of an issue as my freaqency / what I
was resonating.

This has been my experience engaging my worky job, where the experience had previously
been one of stress and anxiety, but which has now evened out.

We don't need to go to Disneyworld (i.e., to bring Disneyworld into our experience).

We can want to engage it, and can enjoy it, as long as an experience isn't wanted or
desired from a position of lack (i.e., we need / knead that experience). That, again, is
a measure of our freaqency / resonance.

When I ended that engagement, my experience was that no longer would I need to
go anywhere, everything I wanted or desired would come to me. Take the effort
completely out of it.

This was a realization that this applied to all experiences of all worlds. No effort

I required an engagement to clear that up. For others, it will be different engagements.

Bob's statement during his interview with the Conscious Media Network illustrates this
point beautifully.

Bob said (paraphrasing) that what iON's appearance represents - what we're retrieving /
moving back to is a greater, more powerful engagement with our experience / universe.

On one level, we created (and needed) a tin can to get us to the moon.

That is a perfect example of creating while separated from our place of power (i.e., in a
less-than capacity).

We thought we required a can to get us to the moon, as we think we need a car to get
us from one place to another.

In hindsight, it's absurd. It's a perfect example of our power; that we can separate
ourselves from this condition and still "make it work".

We're relaxing back into a state where everything we endeavored to do by manipulating
the physical environment will just happen, effortlessly.

The freaqncy thing is interesting. iON has said that when you desire, speak / ask for
an experience, what you receive may not be exactly what you envisioned you would.

In the case of one Cash Flow caller, that individual desired another person be
transitioned, to put it politely. What was experienced was that individual leaving
the caller's perceptions for good (i.e., the same net effect).

The freaqency desired - the resonant outcome - was experienced, whether or not the
literal transitioning of the person occurred or not.

I'm relating that story, because when I'd decided to go to Disneyworld (i.e, take a
vacation), something one engages to achieve a degree of relaxation and bliss, I
discovered that the resonance was the same here or there. Only the scenery was
different, if that makes sense.

It's nice to be able to explore environments, but if the bliss is present in any environment,
then a resonance is achieved / experienced that isn't predicated on the presence /
experience of any particular environment.

When iON says "Joy is the fastest path to what is", or "What is is the fastest path to
joy" this is, to me, a reflection of that.

What "is" is our experience minus any obstacles / separation. And we get there through
a process of allowing, circumventing, sidestepping, and overlaying limitations / obstacles.

I wonder if ascension is state whereby we've collected / resonate with all of ourself /
ourselves, and become an unadulterated expression of non-physical / source energy,
through this process of allowing (and engaging iON / the RnA Drops), to the point
that we're firing on all cylinders effortlessly.

I wonder if that is the "ascension process", at least early on, is geared towards reaching
a state of total activation / alignment; and at that point, the thing lights up and you are
totally activated and effortlessly engage for eternity.

Yes, it never ends (i.e., you never get it wrong and you never get it done), but I wonder
if the condition or state whereby one is firing on all cylinders is the ascended position.

We'll have to wait and see.

Actually, as iON has said, that speaking (the mouth) is the only real thing, this body
and environment are not real. And we may appear to travel through this environment,
but it might be more likened to a Star Trek holodeck with the appearance of travel.

This is how the image, or notion of a portal applies. It's because it is a convenient way
to circumvent our less-than notion of requiring travel from A to B.

iON says it all the time, but we don't go anywhere. If he says we do, for convenience
sake, he adds that it's so subtle that we don't notice. So what's the difference?

iON has said, when Bob goes to the beach and as soon as he stick his toe in the water
he "travels". He's then in a world where the waves are active. When he leaves the water,
he returns to his original world.

These are terms of convenience.

I would encourage folks to observe the environment around them as malleable. Not only
that, if you're engaged in the activity we call walking, imagine the earth moving below
your feet (i.e., your environment moving around you), and not your feet moving over
the earth.

It's a change in perspective, but one which may bring the center back to oneself and
away from any projection.

It occurred to me that the notion that we create our experiences may still have
"New Age" connotations that may have one tripped up with those now tired and
trite statements.

This is why I really appreciate Bob's McLuhan tendencies, and reinvention of them,
as well as iON's distillation to the phrase, "Joy is the fastest path to what is", or
"What is is the fastest path to joy".

When the images (visual biases) get us tangled up, Bob or iON can uproot, flip and
reverse them and get us back to our immediate, stupefied experience of this moment.

My gratitude for Bob's presence knows no bounds.

I would say, "What is is the fastest path to bliss". What is right this moment - without
the introduction of a time or date.

It's the experience one has when engaging in something without thought, and without
glancing at at clock or calendar to create that superficial separation.

It occurred to me recently that the bliss experiences we have on the drops are actually
experiences of no-time. They're experiences of that resonance; a resonance we will
exist in 24/7 when we're firing on all cylinders.

What is no-time? Well, I say it's a resonance / freaqency. It may also be an experience
that we don't currently have a reference point for, but the example above, to me, is
a taste of it.

What is happening to us, individually, this moment, as our present moment expands,
is the most important thing in the universe.

Engaging this process of allowing and letting go is the process of ascension. And the
expansion never ends.

An iONic message (I like, "I'm already there"),



Last edited by Bart on January 3rd, 2012, 5:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 10:46 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Mathew, thats a perfect moniker for Bart- iON's Penman-Bart can sure lay the pen on the paper or is that bytes on the landscape ?

Bart I like your quote "We're free-floating." Thats the way I see it (feel it) -our society is in free fall mode- and the iONetts are free-floating - the more I let go the more free I feel and the more comfortable it becomes - question Bart - you gonna let go of your workie job soon ?


 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 1:24 pm 
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Joined: March 3rd, 2011, 10:20 pm
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my here my now is my choice to live heaven on earth, to travel to parallel universes and beyond ...bliss at it's finest with the assistance of RNA drops...words are no longer needed.. :|

Angel Rose

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 5:30 pm 
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Legend wrote:
Mathew, thats a perfect moniker for Bart- iON's Penman-Bart can sure lay the pen on the paper or is that bytes on the landscape ?

Bart I like your quote "We're free-floating." Thats the way I see it (feel it) -our society is in free fall mode- and the iONetts are free-floating - the more I let go the more free I feel and the more comfortable it becomes...

Sometimes when I start writing, something takes over and it's difficult
to stop.

Regarding free-falling and letting go, this scene from the movie Contact
(at the 3:00min mark) is a perfect illustration of what letting go does.


I believe the ETs that provided instructions for the device advised that a
chair wasn't necessary (if memory serves).

They install a chair, bolting it to the floor, and learn after takeoff why it
wasn't needed.

The chair being bolted to the floor can represent a rigid "holding on".

If you've seen the movie you know what Jodie Foster does, and what she
experiences when she does so. It's awesome.

Legend wrote:
question Bart - you gonna let go of your workie job soon ?

Uh, yeah, no. haha Hey, I'm free-floating and all that, but, come on.

Actually, I don't have other opportunities, or potential engagements at the
moment, so I'm fine.

Other iONettes have left their jobs and are doing their thing. If that will work
for you, then go for it.

Now, if iON called me a chicken, I'd have to reconsider...

Really, though, it's a good question. As Bob has said, iON would be happy if
everyone just left their jobs and became homeless - just lived off the land.

Our so-called means of survival are creations that we are in the process of
overlaying and moving beyond, but they are here for now.

We're living through what we've created for ourselves. And, whatever those
creations, I say, it's best not to push against.

Why would one leave their job, or engage in any particular endeavor?

Would it be because it's stressful and anxiety ridden, and you wan't out?
If you're attempting to create from that position, iON would say, "Please

So, the trick is to not push against your current experiences / contrast.

Just realize that you've created these, and you're on your way through them.

It's fine to have preferences for experiences. If you would like to leave your job,
because something wonderful beckons, that's one thing.

Just be clear on what you're creating from.

Regarding what we're engaging at this moment, our present creations (jobs,
relationships, etc.), they're all in the process of being overlayed pursuant to our
engagement with the iON situation, and are being replaced with greater and
greater experiences of bliss - as we allow.

Our new creations are in a queue, and they come as we allow.

The whole process is easier once we get ourselves in a space where we just don't
give a fuck, and give little attention to the contrast.

It may seem like a Catch-22 (yay, Bob) or a Chinese finger trap, but get yourself
there and watch the miracles happen.

The drops help, don't kid yourself.

Last edited by Bart on January 3rd, 2012, 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 6:24 pm 
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just playing a bit Bart - I have not "worked" (per say) in awhile - it feels liberating, and blissful, no meetings, no calls, no stress, no connection, no commitments, no IRA (individual retirement account), no empty promises, nada - and it feels good; although, I keep having thoughts of re-engaging with the work force; however, they immediately dissipate -my only thought is what if I am jumping the gun a bit here (letting go to quick and relaxing)- it may take longer for the cookie to disinigrate than anticipated !

anyway I think there was a bit of truth to the movie Contact, I beleive there was a program that attempted to engage with the other side or was it the guf ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzTHC6JS ... re=related

Time to manifest the fastest path to my joy - shazam - I have some good ideas- time to apply the words now- relaxed and ready for more :mrgreen:


 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 7:33 pm 
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Loverwholoves wrote:
Don't forget...

Bart YOU have a role in all of this! Even on Regina's site, it
directs the audience to go to your site for more information
on RnA drops!

iON's penman?

I just read this. I didn't know her site linked to mine...It needs
to go to yours. hahaa


And, thank you for the comment. If I'm the penman, I'm a compulsive
chatterbox of a penman.

Of course, if someone's into that sort of thing...haha

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 7:54 pm 
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Legend wrote:
just playing a bit Bart - I have not "worked" (per say) in awhile - it feels liberating, and blissful, no meetings, no calls, no stress, no connection, no commitments, no IRA (individual retirement account), no empty promises, nada - and it feels good; although, I keep having thoughts of re-engaging with the work force; however, they immediately dissipate -my only thought is what if I am jumping the gun a bit here (letting go to quick and relaxing)- it may take longer for the cookie to disinigrate than anticipated !

anyway I think there was a bit of truth to the movie Contact, I beleive there was a program that attempted to engage with the other side or was it the guf ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzTHC6JS ... re=related

Time to manifest the fastest path to my joy - shazam - I have some good ideas- time to apply the words now- relaxed and ready for more :mrgreen:

Oh, I figured you were joking re: the job thing; but seeing as I'm on the clock as
the "penman", I figured I'd work an angle on you. hahaah Kidding.

Glad to hear about your situation. I'm chuckling at your jumping the gun comment.

Just take the drops and engage the wonder.

Great! The Contact scene, "So beautiful. I had no idea...I had no idea..."

This is me, pumping gas, grocery shopping, everything.


Kidding...But it's not far off...

 Post subject: Re: Announcement by James Martinez
PostPosted: January 4th, 2012, 12:44 am 
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Joined: March 3rd, 2011, 10:20 pm
Posts: 178
Story: Dupe Land has freaked out on too much thinking!!

Charlie Brown to Lucy the psychiatrist
"Doctor, wtf?

Lucy to Charlie:
"ummmm, Charlie, I think you nailed that one! My psychiatry advice would of not said it better than with your own words! The only advice I can give you Charlie, is too keep far away from these ionettes, too much excitement has fogged up their pea brains to the point of revving up their freakency causing massive chaos amongst DUPES land. This is a job for SUPERION!"

Charlie to Lucy:
"Doc, I'm a man of few words. All this talk going on in DUPES land is making my brain wanting to think. That's just not my bag to have too many thoughts in one day. I think you're right Doc, this is a job for SUPERION. I'll talk to Bob to make a call to JW. I hear that he is the handsome dude behind the voice of ION. Hopefully, ION can calm down the DUPERS. Gee Doc, all I want to do is play ball. Thinking just like KIX is for kids."

Lucy to Charlie:
"Charlie, don't you worry your little brain, no more thinking. SUPERION will take care of this matter once he returns from world 6780. Okay Charlie, go play ball. That will be 5 cents please?"

Charlie to Luci: :?

Angel Rose

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