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 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 22nd, 2012, 5:52 pm 
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VolcanoGirl wrote:
Bob, is that you in that photo on the sailboat being all "I am the captain of my ship"ish?

Tres manly man except for the flowy chemise-like garmet.

BOB: Yes, that's me near Tobago in April, 1990, miming the triumph of TWIN PEAKS' inaugural week.

Bob Dobbs

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 22nd, 2012, 5:56 pm 
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asaSvott wrote:
Come on big BOY


http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... permPage=1

Bob Neveritt

YOU ARE RIGHT, YOU LOSE!!!! Everytime Bob.... no longer is iON protecting you or backing your senselessness........ Glad the drag pic of you was brought forth, recieving what you have earned ...... Have a nice day!

BOB: As usual you got the wrong guy, ASA.

You still can't compute.

My first tweet:

Off to talk with Youngblood Holden.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 22nd, 2012, 10:43 pm 
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VolcanoGirl wrote:
Tres manly man except for the flowy chemise-like garmet.

BOB: Also, I'm obviously the prototype for the metrosexual.

Bob Dobbs

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 2:42 pm 
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Joined: October 8th, 2010, 12:14 pm
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Steve Beckow had a comment on the low freakency sounds heard around the world in his latest talk with an Angel.
Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael, Jan. 23, 2012
2012 January 24

An Hour with an Angel, January 23, 2012


First, somebody has written in asking about the low-level sounds that have been heard around the world from January 9 through 12. Can you tell us what those sounds are?

AAM: It is a combination of sounds. It is Gaia breaking her shackles, and it is humanity breaking their shackles. You may think of it in many ways as the sound of freedom. There are many energies that have been can we say discarded? And that it is a vacuum that has been created, and so it is a sound of release, of letting go, in many ways an out-breath. But primarily it is the sound of Gaia breaking free, and it is the sound of you, my sweet brothers and sisters, joining her.

Oh, do not think that you cannot hear the sound of your collective or of your planet! You are always hearing the sound of the universe, that high-pitched ringing in your ears. So do not be surprised by this low vibratory sound that is now reaching you. So many of you have said, “Now, how will I know that anything has changed? Will I see differently? Will I hear differently? Will I intuit differently?” Well, dear hearts, your hearing has shifted.

Not everybody is hearing these sounds. But you, my beloved ones, are. This is good news. And it is news to be shared far and wide.

"tricks are for kids"

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 3:12 pm 
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This quotation from Ben Watson's review of EVERYTHING IS HEALING NICELY gets at the body language aspect of Frank Zappa's music (movies being the medium highlighting gestural communication - remember the description on HOT RATS: "This is a movie for your ears"):

{{ To direct his musicians, Zappa was using techniques developed by Duke Ellington, Charles Mingus and Sun Ra. Sure, there were scores - neither the acheing melody of `Amnerika', hocketed to different instruments, nor the atonal drama of `None Of The Above' could have been achieved any other way - but Zappa also set up `objects', `motifs', `vamps', `chord structures' and `gestures (musical or theatrical)' which could be cued spontaneously by hand signals, funny faces and even eyebrow twitches, events that could be triggered at any moment (the slogan at the time was: `anything anytime anywhere for no reason at all').

Fully-rounded sounds redolent of expensive musical educations are mixed with bleats and moos from children's toys, a didgeridoo burbling into a spitoon full of dark water, bizarre groans from the percussion and vocal ejaculations. But this is not some postmodernist exercise: because these sounds resonate in real time, they establish real musical relations with each other. }}

Pauline Butcher's book provides the "human scenario" that Frank translated into ear stuff on the albums and remixed into visual, kinetic, proprioceptive, and iconic stuff in his films. The third medium/recombination he never got to exploit was the TV talk show... although he came tantalizingly close several times over the decades. Here's his definition of this multimedia para-musical approach:

"The project/object (maybe you like event/organism better) incorporates any available visual medium, consciousness of all participants (including audience), all perceptual deficiencies, God (as energy), The Big Note (as universal basic building material), and other things. We make a special art in an environment hostile to dreamers."

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 25th, 2012, 12:50 am 
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makes sense sillywizard


 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 25th, 2012, 7:03 pm 
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Here's more today from Saskatoon

http://saskatoon.ctv.ca/servlet/an/loca ... skatoon%20

iON ?

are they Angels, Gaia, electromagnetic freakencies, or shackles from the bondage being broken ?

here is a list from all over


 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 26th, 2012, 2:28 am 
keeping one eye on this too... although seem to be running out of eyes these days, considering all the things that could do with 'an eye on (i ON) it'
slipping in... uno para mi... for iON whilst you about it Legend
notice 'no en Afrika'... should we take it personally?

mmm... could just be Bob blowing his trumpet... what's new
(which would explain why Africa is left blank)
quite some hits you're getting there, Bob

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 26th, 2012, 10:03 am 
iON: "and the rocks are gonna cry out" NP spoke these words more than once. And NP now creates in the physical.
I'll consider that all this 'noise' is iON pissin' and moanin'. Stirring sh*t up of the fear side of 'little man crap'. Drama, drama, and more drama.
enjoy the show, afterall it's all been created by god's/GOD'S.

"Stand back and witness the miracle working power of an ever lovin' God!"

 Post subject: Re: ATTENTION! Bulletin from ASA!!
PostPosted: January 26th, 2012, 4:22 pm 
Thanks Tina,

Appeats all have Abandand ship, no James, no iON, Not much of Bob except here... Tina may have hit the mark..... Yes she is in honeymoon / love / in her power/ Fuck you Bob, Time to prove you are honest.... oh sorry we are talking to Bob, huh..... honesty is noy his best attribute, now is it Bobby?
Do you understand why the story you spin is not bought by all? Simple words with a powerful message... The highest expression sophistication is simplicity. WEll you didn't get an A+ at UC Berkeley, now did you. I did, Varifiable fact. So Bobby come big boy, piss some more on your self. Don't believe check!!!! Prove me wrong about you, please. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. In all the cases I have run across it is a fucking DUCK!!! If I like it or not... or anyone else for that matter... So Nobody buy's your secrect shit, upu have too big of a braggard mouth to keep any kind of confidence, if you feel you get press.... Remmember any press is good press, was the PR standards of long ago, even now....

Looks like check mate, bud..... Your move, don't see a successful out though, except the one I have suggested from the gate. Speaking of gates notice you don't have the balls to post your wordy words regarding me on the last talegate. Lies come easy to you. Time your jaw gets wired shut, Yes that nastiest orfice of you body. You are fired.... That you understand, correct>>>> Have a nice day.... asaScott

1922 Bullshit......... provide the numbers I will have them run for you... As I said previously, If appropriate, I appologize to you. Don't think that will be the case though Bobby.... What was the statement when playing with N/P? PLAN TO GET A GOOD FUCKIN'
and like it... Quote, so Bobby you have done yourself, created this in your world Human Creator... You are right, you are not of the 1%, just awantabe..... iON says send the fucker.. Of course I asked...

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