grannygoose wrote:
nid wrote:
rhyee wrote:
there ya go... find a mute person and give him a bunch of these books to read
then sit with a note pad and spot the difference
at least you'd know that he didn't say any words whilst you inadvertently nodded off
So Nid, do you not believe the post Bob did above? Just wondering...
if i wanted to know if thoughts (alone) could create
i would shackle myself in a dark room with mouth and eyes taped shut
then see how long it would take me to think something into existence
hence my suggestion to Bob to test the theory on some goddam mute, if he must know
since the idea of taping himself to a wall might be somewhat of a troublesome thought
(not meaning Bob per se... just making a point)
i would say everything one sees around us (other than nature for this exercise) has been created by homo-sapiens
and every one of those 'things' first existed in the mind of one of the homo-sapiens
so thought creates the idea of the thing that can then materialize through physical energy/effort
the energy of the mind to think of an idea and the energy/ability of the body to bring the idea physically into existence, i would say as a matter of interest, is the most valuable 'thing' on the planet
this 'energy' i would say is insurmountably valuable... hence my pet term "the unlimited value of human energy"
consider someone from another galaxy had to ask an animal from earth what earth was like...
he might give a long story about all the other animals, insects and describe all of nature...
then he might say... BUT... then there are the GODS... they are amazing, they can DO stuff
so it is not surprising to me that this human 'energy' has been exploited, traded if not outright stolen
but i would say this power was actually given away by these humans... to create contrast
because if i was an almighty, powerful GOD, how would i know that i was in fact one? Unless i UN-Godded myself and gave myself amnesia in the process,
in order to experience what it's like to be an UNGod in all respects, then find my way 'home' to being a God again... then i would REALLY know
i would also say that unless everything was totally FREE on this planet and FREE to every single person, as it is impossible to put a value (monetary wise) on the energy/ability of a GOD,
then we would truly come into our power as the human race, because if we in any way think that our energy needs to have a monetary value on it, then we will always be less-than in some way or another. if i truly believed i was an Almighty-Divine-Immortal-Human-Creator-God and every other member of the Human Race was too and that the earth is our home and for our sustenance and pleasure, then how could i at the same time think that this GOD energy and the stuff in nature (that belongs to each of these Gods), can be in anyway traded... putting one above the other or one against the other. It makes no sense... either we are GODS or we are not.
how can wake up in the morning, have a good stretch and "believe" that i am a GOD... then next thing i am sitting in the traffic on the way to work, so that i can EARN some money to feed my family?
not exactly the kind of GOD i have in mind anyway. Unless there are supposed to be lesser and higher GODS and some in between
the moment there is no such thing as 'money' or trade and everything becomes naturally free... and after everyone gets bored with sitting on the beach all day long... i would say that something awesome would take place... people would get up and start doing that which brings them joy and begin to follow their passion... whether it is going back and opening up his grocery store, going back to his farm and planting crops... or deciding on making something he has always wanted to make but never had time because he was too busy being an UNGod. we would then all be GODS doing things that GODS do and there would be no limit to what could be done/created
the transition, therefore between thinking up an idea to it actually materializing would be so fast and would become faster and faster until it became instantaneous
so could thoughts create?... well yeah... but all depends on WHO is doing the thinkythoughts
... but as for these types of books on mind power... well delve into this stuff if you can't tell the difference between a GOD and a NON-GOD
let alone being hell bent on FUCKING around with BULLSHIT!
... sorry gran, but you asked
...besides if the people who write books like these REALLY believed in what they say.. they would give their books away, because clearly the only one who really benefits from writing books like these, is the guy who wrote them, who so happens to end up with HIS thoughts creating something... MONEY. or some guy who read his books, then decides to upgrade a bit and write his OWN books on the subject
as for the rest of us, who find it impossible to coherently string two words together let alone come up with an original thought... might have to resign themselves to a life of UN-GODDEDNESS, and then without any further delay, as in as speedily as possible, grow old and die... for there would hardly be any purpose in dragging it out, would there?