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 Post subject: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 27th, 2012, 11:21 pm 
Site Admin
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
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Click on "Members" in the upper right corner.

Then click on Member #7, "iON".

Then click on "Search user's posts" in the "Total posts: 1661" section (2nd line below that line).

Then go to the bottom right corner and note the "Go to page 1, 2, 3, 4,... 167".

Click on 167 and see the first posts by iON back in April, 2010.

Then work your way backwards at your discretion.

Bob Neveritt

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 28th, 2012, 3:58 am 

Joined: January 15th, 2012, 1:40 am
Posts: 8
Thanks Bob this is great.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 28th, 2012, 8:42 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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Also, if you click on the main "iON" forum, then click on the last page
(page 35) you'll see five posts iON made just before his disappearing
act in November of 2011.

The title of these threads is the same. It's hilarious...I'll let you find

These five posts all show the same time stamp (8:00pm), but more
significantly are all dated December 31, 1969.

This was later determined to be a reference to the launching of Unix
code at midnight on January 1, 1970, and the official reference point
for all time stamps.

Unix, the computer operating system used on most servers,
workstations and mobile devices, was launched on January 1, 1970,
making that date its “epoch date.”

What this means is that time began for Unix at midnight on January 1,
1970. Time measurement units are counted from the epoch so that the
date and time of events can be specified without question.

If a time stamp is somehow reset to 0 and displayed in local time, users
will see December 31, 1969 — the day before Unix’s creation.

SOURCE - http://goo.gl/nVXj4

See also Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_Epoch

iON's got a great way of creating in a way that operates on several
levels (e.g., with puns, etc.).

In this case, I see iON's mischievousness right before his departure to
assist Bob, Carolyn and J.W. with these projects as an indication of their
own "epoch date".

It represents not only, as Bob stated on one of the recent Cash Flow
shows, the point at which we officially entered the resonance of 2012 /
ascension, but also the launching point, in a sense, of our own epoch /
utopia via cold fusion, etc.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 28th, 2012, 8:37 pm 


Tiny Tina

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 8:50 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
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tayzay wrote:


Tiny Tina

"Can you smell what the rock is cooking?"

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 1:23 pm 
The 5 threads that Bart has referenced above have shifted.
they are now 7:00pm.
This shift occurred after the earlier post pointing to the symbol of 8 and infinity while cmpleting the 'S'


Bart: Are We cookin' with gas?

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 1:24 pm 
The 5 threads that Bart has referenced above have shifted.
they are now 7:00pm.
This shift occurred after the earlier post pointing to the symbol of 8 and infinity while cmpleting the 'S'


Bart: Are We cookin' with gas?

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 1:31 pm 
doubling up, again!
Also, when You find the 5 post, 4 Are titled BOB ON CRACK, the first thread is titled FRACTAL VECTORS; when you click n any of the 5 it gets Yu to the message " this requested topic does not exist"


Tina Tiny

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 6:38 pm 
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Joined: February 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm
Posts: 467
Location: non-local
tayzay wrote:
The 5 threads that Bart has referenced above have shifted.
they are now 7:00pm.
This shift occurred after the earlier post pointing to the symbol of 8 and infinity while cmpleting the 'S'


Bart: Are We cookin' with gas?

Tayzay, just looked and they're at 8:00pm.

I did just see your post doubled again, also.

You're getting toyed with...

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions for the NEW Members
PostPosted: January 29th, 2012, 8:10 pm 
....mmmmm I smell somethin' cookin'
All 5 post ARE at 7:00 pm from my position....

and nw the threads have shifted positions.... the 1st 3 are titled BOB ON CRACK, the 4th thread is Fractal vectors, followed by BOB ON CRACK as the 5th thread....


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