asaSvott wrote:
Thanks Tina,
Appeats all have Abandand ship, no James, no iON, Not much of Bob except here... Tina may have hit the mark..... Yes she is in honeymoon / love / in her power/ Fuck you Bob, Time to prove you are honest.... oh sorry we are talking to Bob, huh..... honesty is noy his best attribute, now is it Bobby?
Do you understand why the story you spin is not bought by all? Simple words with a powerful message... The highest expression sophistication is simplicity. WEll you didn't get an A+ at UC Berkeley, now did you. I did, Varifiable fact. So Bobby come big boy, piss some more on your self. Don't believe check!!!! Prove me wrong about you, please. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. In all the cases I have run across it is a fucking DUCK!!! If I like it or not... or anyone else for that matter... So Nobody buy's your secrect shit, upu have too big of a braggard mouth to keep any kind of confidence, if you feel you get press.... Remmember any press is good press, was the PR standards of long ago, even now....
Looks like check mate, bud..... Your move, don't see a successful out though, except the one I have suggested from the gate. Speaking of gates notice you don't have the balls to post your wordy words regarding me on the last talegate. Lies come easy to you. Time your jaw gets wired shut, Yes that nastiest orfice of you body. You are fired.... That you understand, correct>>>> Have a nice day.... asaScott
1922 Bullshit......... provide the numbers I will have them run for you... As I said previously, If appropriate, I appologize to you. Don't think that will be the case though Bobby.... What was the statement when playing with N/P? PLAN TO GET A GOOD FUCKIN'
and like it... Quote, so Bobby you have done yourself, created this in your world Human Creator... You are right, you are not of the 1%, just awantabe..... iON says send the fucker.. Of course I asked...
I was going to post the following message a few days ago after this last posting from ASA — and when I hit submit it disappeared ?? Was not in draughts either?? So I had to retype and by the time I had opportunity to send it again ASA had been banned. Maybe NP thought it was not worded the way I wanted it to be as it was a little more pointed the first typing.
Bob feel free to forward to the antagonist if you feel appropriate.
ASA … methinks thou doth protest too much.
Bob is who he is and master at what he does. A professional thinker, talker, lecturer, protagonist, visionary, philosopher, creator and perhaps the best in our known land.
Agreed that Bob is also a liar: NOUN ~ liar: equivocator; fabulist; informal storyteller
Politicians, religionists, scientists, educators, friends, friends w/benefits, spouses have been lying for years, and some without even knowing it. Often they think they are telling the truth but the truth keeps changing. Give Bob credit… at least he knows WHEN he is a liar (AKA informal storyteller).
Does it matter WHEN (3rd degree of separation) anyone was born or WHEN they say they were born?
This has been an amazing journey listening to Bob's fibs, fabrications and iONic interactions. It would be quite simple to attach oneself to another "What the heck is life on earth all about" avenue, as there are more than enough to choose from.
Who the hell else could be as much fun as Bob? He is Irritating, Irreverant, Impossible, Illusory, but nevertheless… Imaginative and (most always) Irresistible (for some). He brought iON to the public, so a pause for gratitude may be in order.
The future has already happened so no point in crying over spilled spirits. non-Physical is as ever will be… world without end.
BOB: Thanks, manitou, for the friendly words.
I forwarded your post to ASA.