rhyee wrote:
Legend wrote:
is this what you call:
1. a dichotomy
2. or hypocracy at its finest
3. or a beautiful joyful payoff due to incredible persistence
4. or the fastest path to his joy?
BOB: It's called "quadrophrenia".
Bob Neveritt
People tend to cling to a point of view (liking what they know) as a strategy to cope with the quadrophrenic situation where dichotomy, hypocrisy, and paradox are everywhere. Becoming consciously quadrophrenic and being comfortable with the paradox has great rewards. One strategy is relaxing and allowing before taking any action, so one doesn't start off on a thread that's based on a limited premise or point-of-view. Another strategy is, as McLuhan said, "I don't necessarily agree with everything I say". Another still is to persistently suspend judgement.
Ever since elementary school, I never understood why the adults were promoting having an occupation, long-term goals, and choosing a world-view. I never fell for it because they certainly did not look like it was working for them anyway. I saw them to be dour, aging, frustrated and obsessed with matching with what was considered 'safe'. So, needless to say, I was never looking for the ultimate 'ism or theory-of-everything. This has given me the kind of slack that allows one to explore all kinds of capacities that are considered 'inaccessible'. So, when I encountered Bob's work I had the available capacity to play with the application of his 'yoga'. I think that in a generation, 'truth' and 'point-of-view' will be widely considered to be part of humanity's past legacy of robotism, when we imitated machines that were imitating humans imitating machines.
We are more than any image of humanity that is presented in any medium and/or common sense. We can evolve ourselves independently, within our own lives, not just over generations of natural selection. We have more energy in each of us than can be represented by all the nuclear weapons on the planet. Every word is a world of it's own, all-powerful in it's evocation. If we could only relax those damned ol' rules we picked up like STDs through the 'implied impressions' of fucking language...rules that, like sphincters, stop the flow of NOTICING how we move heaven and earth with every word.
So, when I am in public, talking to others, I will put-on different modalities to allow the flow of verbal intercourse, lubricated by suspended judgement and protected by the prophylactic of conscious quadrophrenia. Then, when I walk away, I'm clean and could care less what was said. Maybe that's what Bob means by the term "metaphysically promiscuous".