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 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 3:27 am 
My 11:28am reply following Bart's 6:36 post is only referencing the many pointings to the Bible verses that iON has brought attention to from the past 1 1/2 years.
Bart describes the dynamics of what I concur as sowing and reaping, and your post at 1:11pm added nicly to his thoughts, along with your personal experience while moving.
...... Jeeeeeez, I was only adding to the conversation.

Luke 6:37 starts out with some guy by the name of Jesus being quoted: "do not judge....." then continues in 6:38.."give and it will be given unto you...." (sowing and reaping)
As for judging others? Nope, gave that job away to others.

Incorporating the NOTION of Karma and calling it the equivalent of sowing and reaping is missing the fuller dynamic of the latter.
But, hey if that works for you and Duffy. kewl!
Makes no dif to Me.
More curious tho, is why are you yelling?

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 6:40 am 
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Mattrose wrote:
RNA Juicing seems to offer the same effects as smoking pot, sitting on a couch and listening to iON. I can charge you 80 bucks to teach you how to do this...

great blogging, Bart!

Where should I wire the money? haha I'm sure iON can roll a master fatty.
He's always bringing it up.

Actually, my friend did share that he and one of the ETs did smoke
a joint, but that's an episode that causes some folks to disengage
with his story...

If you think about it, and maybe iON has commented on this, pot
is just a plant. The environment seems tailor made to ingest and
imbibe in all other respects, so why not smoke?

Wonder if licking toads was ever expected to be a part of the bargain.
Probably so.

As I've gathered, we are going to be able to create our immediate
environment, physically, by force of will. This means we can make everything
out of cannabis...or like a gingerbread house...We can smoke or eat everything...
Maybe a cannabis couch you could smoke, then you could eat your house
when you got the munchies.

Thanks for your comment!

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 7:02 am 
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tayzay wrote:
...of sowing and reaping:
In Luke 6:38, Jesus assured us that we could count on it. The law of sowing and reaping always works, and it always works the same way for everyone. If you sow bad things, you reap bad things. So He starts off in verse 37 with a warning: "Do not judge!" Guess what happens if you do? You guessed it - you'll reap judgment. But if you refrain from judgment and condemnation, you'll escape reaping it from others. And then he goes on to apply this law of sowing and reaping to our giving of material goods: "Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Genesis 8:22
Galatians 6:7
II Corinthians 9:6

Thank you, tayzay! Maybe Matt should just have that passage with a photo
of the rna drops and a PayPal button. haha

I do see it as a case of one receiving to the degree that they give.
This obviously applies more to engaging in exchanges with others (for goods or

I was writing (and erasing) my musing on how this (sowing and reaping) might
apply to relax and allow, but I believe relaxing and allowing is a sort of lack of
effort; it's a letting go...Is the letting go considered sowing? haha

Thank you, tayzay!

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 7:30 am 
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aSH wrote:
Thank you Bart for your response and thoughts. Yes, I did continue to read after you warned me not to, lol. I also enjoy the debate about the $$$/energy exchange vs. giving things away for free.

I think we can not boil it down to one size fits all.

...I think its more complicated then that...or at least, I really do believe its up to the individual creator to choose how much they want to invest themselves into that experience (ie. concentration wise) and how much they want to get out of it...

As for the RNA Juice...Yes, I too did groan when i saw the squeeze page.

...I guess from a marketing stand point it was a bit of a let down...I mean, all this hype, for so long we have lay in wait for the day the bread of living water would finally be revealed...sold to you from a squeeze page. ... I guess as a consumer/ potential customer I feel the delivery system of a product is just as important as its benefits...

Thank you, aSH! I read your response. I think you're
saying one can get benefit from exchanges where one party gives nothing. And you're
absolutely right.

I'm also in accord with the idea that a billionaire could glean as much as someone with
less, but was making more a generalization as an example. I know every 7 billion of us
are different. I try not to make blanket statements.

(I'm hearing Bob's comments now about two people having two different conversations...haha
Perhaps tayzay is actually talking about seminars and I'm talking about wanting
to be a billionaire...haha)

When you feel like you're giving more of yourself (in an equal exchange scenario) than
just being a passive recipient, more attention / significance is given to the exchange.

This is not to say that the billionaire isn't giving significance to the exchange. It
just hurts less. haha

I don't want to go too far into the subject...There are more important things. haha

You gave a good example of the expensive seminar you attended, but hadn't paid
for. If I were there, I would have had security escort you out. The gall...

I listen to the Cash Flow shows - for free - and I've greatly benefited from that

I think what I was getting at was, when there actually is an exchange called
for (specifically, re: the subject matter at hand), is it acceptable?

My comments were directed at folks who might balk at paying for such things
(readings, rna drops, etc).

You definitely offer good points. I agree that one can glean great benefit from
paid exchanges as they would services or goods freely given.

My intent was to offer some insights into the exchange for spiritual guidance
scenario. I came to my own conclusion that it is acceptable. Again, iON and Wilcock
are superlative examples of how this can play out.

So, to summarize, have fun at your seminar. I'm reading up on how to be a billionaire. hehe

Last edited by Bart on February 26th, 2011, 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 8:49 am 
"I was writing (and erasing) my musing on how this (sowing and reaping) might
apply to relax and allow, but I believe relaxing and allowing is a sort of lack of
effort; it's a letting go...Is the letting go considered sowing? haha"

Tayzay: LOL,....the letting go is the spance between sowing the seeds and reaping the harvest.
In 321ing, 3=sowing
2= R~N~A (relax and allow)
1= reaping.
Throw in abit of vibrational frequency and the proximity of where you are in this now and where you are in your new now (triangulation) and all your "hearts desires" show up.
Then again, You could speak to the Angels and they will work out the details for You. hahaha
Now that all this has been said, I'm busy being happy.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbmQQ4Rf ... re=related

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 8:59 am 
Bart, BTW, just so there is no confusion, In your 2/26 6:30 post, You were referring to what Ash had shared earlier, yet your reply was to Tayzay.
just noticing a litttle cleanup on aisle five is all that is required! :) :)................ha ha ha


 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 9:08 am 
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InTheDuff wrote:
...of sowing and reaping:
Isn't that the same as karma?
The karma that separates you from you?


Drinks anyone?

Shirley Temple for me. I'm writing...

I think it would be interesting to show how these two items separate you from you.

I think I see what you're saying, InTheDuff. Essentially,
that Karma is a false premise that keeps us from being in our full power. As does the
"you reap what you sow" rule lorded over us by some discarnate entity.

It seems that something occurred to give rise to the notion of Karma and sowing
and reaping. The record of this real event(s) being our ancient texts.

According to iON, the separation that placed us in our current state, in this state of
so-called Karma / reaping and sowing, was of our own doing.

We are, in fact, in a real situation of separation. The separation, however thin, or superficial,
as iON puts it, exists. The separation wasn't created by Karma, but it was the separation
that gave rise to the notion of Karma / sowing and reaping.

We have, clearly, a pre-veil and a post-veil condition; that is, full power, and a separation
(superficial as it may be, it's created an eon's old strife) from full power.

This separation is ending, and it is doing so naturally. For everyone.

So, the question is, how do the laws of Karma and the sowing and reaping apply?
What do they really represent - the state of fallen man / the veil?

I say, sure. They're simply recognizing this condition of not being in full power /
knowing. And perhaps they are offering clues on how to get out (regardless of
how circuitous those clues or paths may be).

Actually, I see Jesus as more making an observation on our condition rather than
believing he could, and actually trying to show us a way out. I think iON stated that
Jesus was aware of the folly of attempting this...

The bible seems more prophetic than a live-it-by-numbers sort of text. Although, it
does seem to be saying, as iON puts it, we are God, and we should realize this (despite
contradictory texts / translations).

Buddhism does offer a clear way to lift the veil; despite their observation or recognition
of the so-called laws of Karma. Adepts are said to be able to fly, levitate and move
through solid objects, etc.

It's funny how Buddhism offers a way off of the so-called Karmic wheel, and does
so by bringing one into a state of seeing oneself and others as divine, holy or God,
and offers that the laws of Karma, ultimately, do not exist.

So, yes, in a sense, Karma is an abstraction one has placed before oneself to separate
one from oneself...But it is also, as in the biblical fall, a sort of recognition of the
condition of separation.

As iON has commented on Job's unfortunate situation as "not turning out well",
perhaps iON was suggesting that Job misunderstood his own inherent power;
that it was he who was orchestrating events...Or perhaps, Job knew and was
sharing insights into his discovery of this reality?

The funny thing is, the solutions offered for this Karmic / sowing and reaping
condition are to be effected by the individual adherent. It brings it back to you.

In Eastern philosophy, through the practice of meditation and self-analysis. And
in the bible, through prayer and supplication (and through Jesus' "know thyself").
Personal endeavor ending, ultimately, in the recognition of oneself as divine.

We can't ignore the fact that a real condition arose that further gave rise to
the notions of Karma and sowing and reaping. So, those terms have meaning,
but just not to the degree or extent - power - that we give them.

We will know soon enough...We now return to our regularly scheduled thread...

 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: February 26th, 2011, 11:36 am 
Great thinkin Bart...........check out this guy, he may be on to something.......as in resolving the 6 degrees of seperation.
Before viewing, make sure you have your sense of humor fulling intact.....(just sayin')



 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: March 1st, 2011, 7:40 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:10 pm
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Well I must admit... the drops are great! I'm the guy with the lowly squeeze pages who sits on his PJ's on most days.. and the money rolls in freely and easily, so no offense taken. How can you guys be disappointed? The drops are available. They are the "real" drops that can enhance your life or not - you choose. But you were hoping for so much more! Oh geez, why did this guy put up such an ugly website and so cheaply done, didn't he at least think of getting a marketing degree before... or why didn't he consult with me as to how I would have done it? I know. I go through all this work to bring to the world the solution they've been asking for and it was such a let down. They were hoping for so much more. Fireworks, live music, a million-dollar-website, the president's endorsement and Bob's picture on the label. I'm working on that. Just stay tuned... meanwhile the drops will be in the hands of those who are worthy. It is about the drops is it not? Why do you care so much who brings them out?


 Post subject: Re: Bart has an engagement with iON
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2011, 7:27 am 
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Loverwholoves wrote:
It is about the drops is it not? Why do you care so much who brings them out?

I admit, because so many prominent figures in the spiritual / paranormal
community are derided and mocked, that my knee-jerk reaction was to see
the same happening at LWL's page.

(An aside, I never knew what a squeeze page was before it was mentioned
on the boards here a couple of days ago. haha)

I actually think it's great that we may be experiencing "First Contact" via a weekly
call-in show called "Cash Flow", and that a serum provided by "future ETs" (the "Living
Water") was produced and is being sold by a single entrepreneur with a self-made
ad page.

Again, it is no longer just coincidence to me that I gained a friend, now since 2008,
who I interviewed over a year's time (or more) about his contact experiences, and
this super drink just kept coming up.

I honestly felt (and, apparently, rightly so) that the events my friend was talking
about were imminent; the drink included. To the point that I was mentally walking
through real life scenarios when my family would see me a changed person, and going
through the mental and emotional struggle with that reality.

This is our "White House lawn" event. iON is the ET, and Bob is the president; and
the first technology this future ET is sharing with us is a simple liquid that will
immediately enhance and upgrade our physical vehicle.

It had to start somewhere, so why not here? I know most folks aren't even arguing
me on this point. It should be readily apparent that something different is happening

If you think about it, we'd always desired for ETs (what we consider(ed) them to be)
to make contact with the most worthy of us. And we've discovered it ain't the president,
or our government. Certainly, not the military. The scientific community? No.

So take a look at what's actually happening here. If you understand Bob's past, and
can see the dynamics at work within him, how can you see anyone more fit?

Bob has been interacting with the likes of the Evergreens for years. And I believe he's
laid out a financial bounty in his endeavors. His searching has been very deliberate and
impassioned, with, I'm sure, a dash of Bob frivolity (never-minding) tossed in for good
measure / creation.

I really do see iON's arrival linked with Bob's efforts, which have been applied in the
right direction. Unlike those sitting in authority, who seek more authority and dominion.

How can we apply "The medium is the message" to Bob here? To J.W.? To Matt / loverwholoves?

Consider that.

Bob applies the McLuhan, Joyce et al. material to matters at hand, because, although the
"stars are matter, we are matter, but it doesn't matter", his observations are relevant.

And why are they relevant? Because Bob is the being who brought forth iON.

iON, in speaking through J.W., choosing Bob (or Bob choosing to be chosen) as his
emissary, James Martinez as sole broadcasting source, and Matt / loverwholoves as
the agent to bring forth the first spiritual / biological advanced technology, is thereby
sending a message back to us through these mediums about the very reality from which
iON emerges and which is about to befall all of us; about what matters.

The medium is the message applies here. Look at the qualities and actions of those
through which iON has manifested, either directly, or as a part of a clear agenda.

Sincerity and intent, whatever frequency or vibration at which those qualities resonate
seem to play a big part.

To me, those seeking "contact" as a frivolous endeavor (as glib as Bob may come off
sometimes, you can't know his history and not see someone earnestly seeking) , or as a
means of attaining prestige will simply not be "that guy".

You must enter into this with the whole of your being. Not contact per se, but your
very existence. How hard are you knocking?

It should be said, however, that some are pounding on the door, but that door is not being
answered, so there are other qualities not immediately apparent here...What they are
should become apparent soon...

The emergence of first contact in this way is a manifestation that is both profound and
effective - it's gotten the attention of every major "authority" on the planet, like a planetary
clap of thunder. And you wonder how that happened with such a seemingly diminutive
(if that's the right word) beginning.

And yet, at the same time as this thunderous noise draws attention to itself, it is as gentle
and playful as you can be.

To me, it's actually very poetic, beautiful, and refreshing; thanks in large part to iON's / Bob's
chosen vehicle, Bob. I wouldn't want to be introduced to something as ineffable and wondrous
by a guy in a suit, or some scientist, seeking to "do further testing".

It is playing out in a way we never expected, but with such subtle perfection that it may
take some reflection to really appreciate.

Of course, I also know that J.W. wasn't iON's first choice, but things still "worked out" beautifully.
It's almost like a non-physical pratfall; he tries one door and it's locked, then tries a second, "Ah,
it's open. I'll talk through this guy then..." Perhaps that was deliberate; part of the message.

I don't know all the particulars, but I wouldn't want anything less. Ultimately, it is perfect in how
it all plays out. I still laugh at that though.

I know that all parties involved are, on their face, sincere, genuine, and involved with their
whole beings. It won't likely be until we have the benefit of hindsight to see the mechanics
driving this thing, but it won't be long - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8HQM211RZ4

Sing it!

It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, till I belong to you

Every night when everybody has fun
Here am I sitting all on my own

It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, till I belong to you

Since you left me, I'm so alone
Now you're coming, you're coming on home
I'll be good like I know I should
You're coming home, you're coming home

Every night the tears come down from my eyes
Every day I've done nothing but cry

It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, till I belong to you

Well since you left me, I'm so alone
Now you're coming, you're coming on home
I'll be good like I know I should
You're coming home, you're coming home

So every day we'll be happy I know
Now I know that you won't leave me no more

It won't be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, yeah
It won't be long yeah, till I belong to you, woo

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