Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: Re: CASH FLOW Questions PART TEN
PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 7:18 pm 
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Joined: April 21st, 2010, 1:33 pm
Posts: 1018
02/09/2011 11:17
Name: humpty
Message: hi gang and the illustrious eleven,
i am wondering ion, ... are the extensive floods currently affecting australia entirely "natural" or is there some high-tech weaponry involved?

Is our current Prime Minister aware of the chemtrail programme?

02/09/2011 11:30
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Wait, the WikiLeaks password isn't "12345"?

02/09/2011 11:30
Name: anonymus
Message: "Sneakers"

02/09/2011 11:36
Name: strangebrew
Location: california
Message: Will Fed reserve and its collection agency the IRS collapse and disappear?

02/09/2011 11:38
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: Mabus is supposedly the next Anti Christ according to Nostradamus.

02/09/2011 11:41
Name: anonymus
Message: The bread slices are freshest when you feel the most balanced and happy?

02/09/2011 11:46
Name: Alannah R
Location: ionville
Message: ION please explain the meat sack's weight gain and/or weight loss and it's relationship to the ascension process....thank you all!

02/09/2011 11:50
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Regarding the Egyptians coming into their power:
Given coming into your power seems to be a great thing to achieve is there a reason why the Egyptians are creating the an Egyptian President they will be worse then the present one? Thanks!

02/09/2011 11:57
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
re: the coming a Pale horse
When the flesh falls off is this caused by radiation from a nuclear device?

02/09/2011 11:58
Name: Barbara
Location: California

02/09/2011 11:59
Name: Barbara
Location: California

02/09/2011 11:59
Name: anonymus
Message: So eating plants helps to engage the non-physical that is you?

02/09/2011 12:05
Name: mj
Location: vancouver
Message: The audio is very pitched VERY LOW, can't understand a word. I'm sure others have notified you.

02/09/2011 12:26
Name: Dr. Paul Proteus
Location: So Cal
Message: Thanx Bob, I've been in & out � I had a question from 2 weeks ago, not sure if you got to it, haven't been able to listen as much.

Q: Was watching LookyBox's "Pawn Stars" & a man brought in a collection of documents from the investigation of the Lindbergh baby, & claimed the documents showed Bruno Hauptmann was framed as the kidnapper & killer of the baby. True? And if so, who's the guilty party?

02/09/2011 12:29
Name: fairyface5
Location: new orleans
Message: why did I come here to inhabit this particular meat sac?

a. Am i an historian?
b. does 3D have some romantic attraction for me?
c. is it to reproduce?
d. am i a tourist?
e. is it to enjoy food and wine?
f. do I have a mission?
g. do i have a purpose?
h. did I come to help my friends?

Thanks Ion!

02/09/2011 12:42
Name: Mentor
Location: 1st galaxy
Message: How nice you remembered us, Bob!
The point we were making last week was not about SR, but about how many simple mistakes ion makes and the fact that he NEVER gives a verifiable answer to a direct question, unless the answer is easily available on Google, or is common knowledge to well read people. AND, most of the time he uses the wrong words or gets other things wrong. begging the question, How can the "All-Knowing Non-Physical" not know so much? BTW, Speaking of SR, One of us has a friend who was in Hiroshima in 1945 - he might disagree with iON.

Now, for today's mistakes:
The computer language he refered to is NOT called "Cobalt" (look it up)
"Binary code" did not replace it, or Fortran, as ion claimed, it preceeded it. Look up "compilier" and "Machine Language."

Now OUR question. We are evenly split on this.
Ion, since you are obviously NOT what you claim, are you:
1. a 24:24?
2. a disinformation agent?
3. a deluded idiot-savant hick?

We would love for you to tell us what our IP address is, also. Look up IPV4 spoofing, Blind Proxy, and NAT first.

02/09/2011 12:44
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Hi All. My daughter, her boyfriend and I were watching TV and a drug commercial came on. I mentioned how there are so many new drugs for diseases I had never heard to get them thinking... and boyfriend says, "For awhile I thought I was getting Restless leg syndrome after seeing the commercials". He was 17 years old!

iON, would you mind telling us the mini-series story of Saint Valentine?


02/09/2011 12:44

02/09/2011 12:46
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: Hi you insane geniuses. iON, I tuned in to last weeks show for the first time in 6 weeks. You tried to get a word in about virtual games and gamers and their very significant impact on our 'return to power.' Games are silently changing everyhting. Bob,No-body is watching gamers but they are on the cusp of it all. iON, you tried to talk about the game War of Worlds last week. PLs talk on this more.

02/09/2011 12:47
Name: JOhn
Location: California
Message: Ion - is the antichrist a consortium and not an individual?

02/09/2011 12:51
Name: Mj
Location: lost
Message: Can NP give me any words of wisdom to engage this scholastic contrast I AM dealing with at this moment. The Guff is looking pretty peaceful again...

02/09/2011 12:57
Name: strangebrew
Location: california
Message: its cobol

02/09/2011 13:27
Name: Mentor
Message: Waiting with baited breath for the great ion to respond to us.
BTW, all of you really need to Google "Specific Gravity"
Also, The last Hiroshima survivor did not "croak" -- The last survivor of BOTH attacks passed a while back.

02/09/2011 13:37
Name: Steve
Location: Oakland
Message: Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets

02/09/2011 13:37
Name: Mj
Location: lost in the labyrinth
Message: Left right, left right, I'd hoped for so much more...

02/09/2011 13:38
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: Help...I can't handle it. I'm confused, disoriented and dislocated. Here I am trying to know and then I tune into this show. Separation prevails between iON and Bob...........the real pony show.........the separation that happens is not division, but flow. Oh the dichotomy continues as I listen some more and finally .....I KNOW.I KNOW.........That one is a bullshitter and the other a word whore.

02/09/2011 13:47
Name: Mentor
Message: Oopsie! Not at Apple, and not in the UK, either.
Have your guy trace this one....

BTW, "Binary code" preceded all other languages. Fortran & Cobol are early high level languages.
Look up "Machine Code"

Sorry, wrong again.
One of us may call next week, time permitting.

02/09/2011 13:57
Name: Steve
Location: Oakland
Message: Mentor had called Ion a 24:24

02/09/2011 14:00
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Thank You! No worries about that question next week. Happy Valentines Day to you all!


2/16/2011 13:24
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Speaking of going "Back to the Future," regarding the "Dick Effect" and it's effect on the recording of time, what would be a positive lesson based on that theory to help us more fully to come into our power.

02/16/2011 13:26
Name: DEB
Location: ID
Message: Are we in the non physicals force field of love or in our physical force field of love? where is the force field? how big is it? What is the freguency color and number?

02/16/2011 13:29
Name: Sacha
Message: Bob, Spencer's gone to bed!!!

02/16/2011 13:34
Name: matthew
Location: nj
Message: the southern canadians hacked my facebook

02/16/2011 13:37
Name: Cheryl
Location: Vermont
Message: Aloha Y'all,
Late to the party again. iON would you explain if the Amygdala serves a specific purpose?

02/16/2011 13:45
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON, Recently I saw my boyfriend bi-locate. I saw him in our bonus room and then I walked into our bedroom and was astonished to see him in our bed. iON can you please explain this?

Thanks, Barb

02/16/2011 13:51
Name: Kinnison
Location: Tellus
Message: James, amazed you didn't rebut iON's assertion that the "interest is more money than is..." Since "money" in it's current form, is a non-physical concept represented in the physical by paper and bytes with no real value or reality other than what we collectively agree to. If it is "More than is" then the Fed will just create more. As usual, iON contradicts himself. (listen to your own archives.)

02/16/2011 13:51
Name: Kinnison
Location: Tellus
Message: Even Glenn Beck figured out that one.

02/16/2011 13:55
Name: Kinnison
Location: Tellus
Message: I'm a student of Mentor. And Tellus is a literary reference. Duhhh

02/16/2011 14:12
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON, Can we avoid inflation?

02/23/2011 11:05
Name: David
Location: SoCal
Message: have a non-happy belated birthday BOB!!

02/23/2011 11:09
Name: deborah
Location: essex, ma
Message: Hi All
How"ezz your Mumer and them?

Ion are the most of the metallic saucer like craft that are seen by the HU-man eye PLASMA PHANTOMS?
Is Ball lightning electrified air that keeps for awhile. Please explain ball lightning.

Love Ya

02/23/2011 11:09
Name: David
Location: Vegas
Message: James� I caught your cash flow show on 2-17-11 and it was brilliant. I believe as you do that the �banksters� have ruined both the economy and monetary system of this country and the world with greed. If there was to be a total complete collapse of the global economy, and a new financial system was to be put in place - what safeguards could we take that would keep these �banksters� from their continuing rape and plunder of a new financial system?

02/23/2011 11:13
Name: Trevor
Location: Manchester UK
Message: Hi James,Caroline,Bob, JW and iON

Is the term a spiritual entrepreneur a false premise?

Love as always


02/23/2011 11:24
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Ion, I have lately been feeling like a very dear friend of mine who passed away last year has been dwelling regularly in my house with me. Is this the case? and is there anything they would like me to know or to tell me? Many thanks.

02/23/2011 11:26
Name: Margarita
Location: Texas
Message: Olivia in Fringe said a phrase that iON always mentioned in the show. Olivia said to Peter: "Do you think it may be true what 'they' are saying that this 'End of the World As We Know It'"?

02/23/2011 11:30
Name: Kat
Message: Is it true that Pavlov's dog got tired of waiting for that damn bell and ate Schrodinger's cat?

02/23/2011 11:49
Name: John
Location: USA
Message: Ion - In what manner do we use the mind the way it was meant to be used and not on abstract thought?

02/23/2011 12:06
Name: Sacha
Message: iON... please remind me of the 3rd Kingdom

02/23/2011 12:10
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: My hat's off to you Bob! and your gourmet lemon squeezing in the first hour. That's EXACTLY why I tune into the show. Somehow you still delve into the hat of 6 degrees of separation and still, after all these hours, manage to pull out a rabbit. Where others are going down the rabbit hole your on the surface pulling rabbits out. TaDa! Thanks

02/23/2011 12:16
Name: Matthew
Location: The New Heaven on Earth
Message: Crap, I missed the first hour.. so I'm unaware of what was discussed. My question is this: are children coming into the world with the correct DNA/or RnA to ascend already?

02/23/2011 12:21
Name: Jean-marc
Location: South of France
Message: Hi Folks,

here's a couple of questions for iON about some books:

- is the "Urantia Book" truthful?
- is "A course in Miracle" truthful?

Thanks you all for your work.

Jean-marc Andres

02/23/2011 12:21
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Hey Bob! Will you be invited to the Royal Wedding, do you and Charles still keep in touch?

02/23/2011 12:22
Name: Terry
Location: Fairway
Message: iON- Tiger Woods explain, has he lost his power, he is playing so badly. will he be as good as he was?
or does he need the illicite sex to keep it up?

02/23/2011 12:23
Name: steve
Location: South Carolina
Message: can the kem trails be stopped

02/23/2011 12:24
Name: David
Location: SoCal

02/23/2011 12:26
Name: The Lindbergh Baby
Location: Chevy Chase, MD
Message: has Bob met Michelangelo?

02/23/2011 12:26
Name: David
Location: SoCal

02/23/2011 12:35
Name: Alex
Location: Victoria
Message: Hi iON,

It's Alex, Sacha's daughter. Wondering if you like Star Wars?

02/23/2011 12:46
Name: Joe
Location: Los Angeles CA
Message: Hello all, great shows these past months. I noticed that most of my questions get asked by others. However, iON I've developed a sense of not caring or desiring for anything. From a party animal who always needed people around, to a loner who prefers the company of myself. Anyone else having this experience? If not, never mind.

02/23/2011 13:02
Name: Angelicfriend
Location: Danville CA
Message: I had a reading with ION. He said we do not need to diet but I started a cleanse the next day. I now feel happier, stronger and more spiritully aware after 2 weeks. What's the deal. Cleanse or no Cleanse?? I am thinking of selling the product line. Should I??

Thank you,

02/23/2011 13:05
Name: Pam
Location: Venice Beach
Message: Great choice of song on the break "Crazy on You" by Heart. I've been happily busying moving to Venice to open an office out here & haven't listened to the show in ages. That song is appropriate for me today as mis-communication with someone has led him to think I truly am a crazy Stalker, so thanks ION, for making me laugh! Maybe I am or maybe I'm not...

02/23/2011 13:06
Name: Trevor
Location: Manchester UK
Message: iON

A spiritual entrepreneur is a term used by John Assaraf to describe himself, a law of unlawful attraction buff.

Thanks from non - sticky


02/23/2011 13:10
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,
Recently Arkansas has experienced several earthquakes, is this an indication that the New Madrid fault may be getting ready for a release?

02/23/2011 13:13
Name: no-1
Location: megalopolis
Message: controlled by a radio active decay

02/23/2011 13:23
Name: Kat
Message: I submit that the Schrodinger's cat experiment is flawed. Yes, the cat may be alive and dead at the same time, but...

Put Bob in that box. There is no possible universe in which Bob is not talking. The binary possibilities of talking/not talking therefore reduces to talking/talking. I conclude that Bob Talking is a universal constant that transcends the many worlds theory.

02/23/2011 13:27
Name: Barbara
Location: California
Message: iON,

Does living water vibrate at a frequency that is different from tap water or spring water? Can tap water be transformed into living water?

02/23/2011 13:30
Name: Kat
Message: I also have another experiment in mind -- Have Bill ring a bell every time iON says "pussy" and see if James will eventually laugh every time a bell rings.

02/23/2011 13:30
Name: Lynnette
Location: Los Angeles Region
Message: Could Ion talk about how Lady Gaga was "on the edge" at the Grammys?

02/23/2011 13:51
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: Hi iON,
which jesus was it that I had talked to.


03/02/2011 11:25
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: Hi all I'm a postie chemtrails are very real(not contrails very different)I se them several times a week here in Bridgwater UK I know yousay they are great for our accension And Bobs throwaway comment last weekmentioning the radiation is good for our accension as well this nuclear armagedon is worrying? I know ion & Bob are bored but James please keep reguarly sqeezing 4 chemtrail info steve p...

03/02/2011 11:27
Name: Anonymous
Message: Hi everyone

Doctor Dean and iON, when I go out in the sun my skin completely breaks out in little itchy bumps. Mostly on my arms where I'm most exposed to the sun. What's up with my dermis?
Are you familiar with this condition?
Is there something I can do about it??

03/02/2011 11:28
Name: Spencer
Message: Is there anything other than uttering the words "I want to win the black Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 and first place of $1 million" in this upcoming Sunday's tourney that needs to be done for the creation of exactly this? I am very excited about playing this big tourney and it is the fastest path to my joy to achieve.

03/02/2011 11:32
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: the next time bob and ion are on the eben rey show why not let james join in

03/02/2011 11:33
Name: Maria
Location: Home
Message: Hi everybody,what is the significance of the new moon of tomorrow,regarding the revelation? thank you.

03/02/2011 11:36
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: the aviator

03/02/2011 11:36
Name: Anonymous
Message: The

03/02/2011 11:36
Name: Spencer
Message: Is there anything other than uttering the words "I want to win the black Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 and first place of $1 million" in this upcoming Sunday's tourney that needs to be done for the creation of exactly this? I am very excited about playing this big tourney and it is the fastest path to my joy to achieve the success of this.

03/02/2011 11:38
Name: Tayzay
Location: Michigan
Message: Bob, Leonardo Decapriro played Howard Hughes in that movie 7-8 years ago

03/02/2011 11:39
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON,

re; Charlie Sheen, is he coming into his power or is he delusional?
Can you explain why some people get into a position of addiction? thanks.

03/02/2011 11:39
Name: Mj
Location: Vancouver
Message: Charlie sure seems like he was/has/is coming into his power. I sense a hint of iOnian logic from his lips....? His 'utterances' resonate well with me. I love it and eat it up; can't see enough. "Winning!" LOL!!!

03/02/2011 11:41
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: so she would'nt piss off howard hughes by not wearing his strapless bra.

03/02/2011 11:45
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: gold and silver certificates were real dollar bills
either blue (silver) red in gold which were common fifty years ago.

03/02/2011 11:48
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: i will gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today .

03/02/2011 11:51
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: Hi all been listening to you for over a year this is the first time I have listened live Hurray I dont believe it you just read out my chemtrail email. James they are higher up the scale than 20. Since listening to you I now Know i'm a God & love all the banter, I guess Carolyn its up to you. why R they spraying Berium Alliminiuum etc love all steve podeschi post man cheers

03/02/2011 12:01
Name: jill
Location: Oroville
Message: Great energizing show guys.

03/02/2011 12:05
Name: Duff & Ash
Location: Seattle
Message: iON, please tell us all about the RnA drops!
Give us all the details! We want to know all about them and what you KNOW about them!
Please spill the beans! Thank you!


Ashley & Duffy

03/02/2011 12:07
Name: jill
Location: oroville
Message: Is this the chipmunk show?

03/02/2011 12:09
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Hey "backwards Bob" is good Carolyn! As backwards its still Bob!

03/02/2011 12:10
Name: jill
Location: oroville
Message: The show is fun to listen to this way, are you doing this on purpose. I'm hearing you guys in fast forward. As ion says "great fun"

03/02/2011 12:10
Name: Lance
Location: bridgwater uk
Message: hi james im a postie and have listened 2 u for a year now like my my workmate steve.can u ask ion to give his opinion on bill ryan of project camelot and his latest informant called charles. is charles being open and honest or is he pulling the wool over bill ryans eyes.

03/02/2011 12:10
Name: fan of bill
Location: bliss
Message: BILL! You are the man! Not sure if you can read this but, you're freakin awesome! :-D


03/02/2011 12:11
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: This is great stuff ! if the Guff is emptying ion are you going anywhere nice ??? I'm so excited i cant think of a decent question ha ha I phoned my mate & fellow postie Lance and told him how to listen live. listener 13 & 14 this sounds like the 'prisoner' he may ask a better question Bob your loosing ha ha cheers Steve the Postie

03/02/2011 12:11
Name: William
Location: Tampa, FL
Message: Will you be interviewing Michael Cottrell today at 3pm eastern time?

03/02/2011 12:13
Name: Anthony
Location: AZ
Message: What is this ??? Comedy Hour??

Where is JAMES?????????

03/02/2011 12:13
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: wow bob that sounded like an old crappy a.m. pocket
transistor radio from the early 60's

03/02/2011 12:15
Name: Anthony
Location: AZ
Message: What happened with Michael Cottrell? You said you were going to follow up on this.
Get these comic morons off of the show

03/02/2011 12:16
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: Last week I gave Bob kudos for the first hour.
This week I take back my Kudos for his whining in the second hour. Eternity is great.


03/02/2011 12:16
Name: Anthony
Location: AZ
Message: Charlie Sheen is a drug adled moron. WHO CARES ABOUT HIM???

03/02/2011 12:16
Name: anon
Message: was the christchurch quake HAARP induced?

03/02/2011 12:16
Name: Victoria
Location: Mississippi River
Message: James you are correct about Alex Jones, he's been invited into the "inner circle." He will betray Charlie Sheen and anyone who speaks truth or is aware of what is happeneing.Charlie has been MK Ultr'd? When the PTB get their millions of fake cyber people sorted there will revolutions where they decide, they will be fake but as ION so astutely observes, 'what's the diff?

03/02/2011 12:19
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON.

So if there is no such position of addiction, no uncontrolable need for some drug, then any so called addict can just quit their drug of choice in an instant. is this a correct statement?

03/02/2011 12:30
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: He is a guy who makes post its

03/02/2011 12:33
Name: Trevor
Location: Manchester
Message: POSTI = POSTMAN an employee of the Royal Mail

03/02/2011 12:36
Name: the interstitialist
Location: megalopolis
Message: in defense of camelot there are some out there people being interviewed yet, a good third of them seem to
have at least one foot on the ground.
i'm writing my first novel titled "many books" so when people ask what i've written i can say.......

03/02/2011 12:39
Name: transpondency
Location: Vancouver
Message: In Douglas Coupland's new Marshall McLuhan book he makes an attempt at referring to ION/non-physical: "The next medium, whatever it is---it may be the extension of consciousness" Of course, we know that consciousness doesn't exist so what is Coupland trying to say?

03/02/2011 12:39
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Bob ask Ion to explain an arch, does it have multi colours?

03/02/2011 12:41
Name: larrylava
Location: Rockiki Beach
Message: Ark is a Latin-based word that means a "box"

03/02/2011 12:41
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: iON,
in regards to your talk on rna. Is what you talked about homeostasis. Is this strains of probiotics.


03/02/2011 12:48
Name: Lance
Location: bridgwater uk
Message: james just letting you know that here in the uk we call them posties and you call them mailmen also as ion says that im a god like him can you ask him if he would like to come over to hang out at my place and have a nice cup of proper english tea and we can talk about godly things like the meaning of life ha ha.

03/02/2011 12:50
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: Hi all a postie is a postman.
Right i'v calmed down now.The film Bloolines by Bruce Burgess about finding a mumified body in France possibly Mary Magdelain any truth in it? cheers Steve..

03/02/2011 12:50
Name: Spencer
Is there anything other than uttering the words "I want to win the black Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 and first place of $1 million" in this upcoming Sunday's tourney that needs to be done for the creation of exactly this? I am very excited about playing this big tourney and it is the fastest path to my joy to achieve.

03/02/2011 12:57
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON, Would it be prudent to buy precious metals now? Would silver be best or gold or platinum?

03/02/2011 13:03
Name: jill
Location: oroville
Message: bob
i was hearing you in double time and bill told me it was on my end, and to reboot my computer, and that straightened the speed.

03/02/2011 13:08
Name: DEB
Location: ID
Message: Is the RNA activating the quantum information?
Is iON the multidimensional signal from source?
that is synchronistic until we recognize our POWER?

03/02/2011 13:08
Name: transpondency
Location: Vancouver
Message: Is there an ION Facebook group or something for listeners to form chemical body meetup groups?

03/02/2011 13:10
Name: Spencer
Message: Does taking the "ran drops" speed up the ascension process?

03/02/2011 13:19
Name: Ashley & Duffy
Location: Seattle
Message: By the way, the RNA drops taste like Chinese food to me and like a peanut butter sammich to Duffy!

iON, please tell us the specific dose for us that would achieve the best results AND can we give it to our cats, would it benefit the meat sack of animals?

Are the RNA drops something that need to be taken forever in order to have the results or do you take them till you have achieved the result?

03/02/2011 13:27
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: This is getting addictive on last weeks Fringe it was referenced that Walter invented the Star Wars missile system are they telling us it is up there ? Steve Podeschi pronounced ( Podeski )

03/02/2011 13:31
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: PTB = Powers that Be

03/02/2011 13:31
Name: David
Location: SoCal
Message: PTB + the powers that be

03/02/2011 13:32
Name: anon
Message: ptb = powers that be
now commonly ptw = powers that were

03/02/2011 13:33
Name: Earl
Location: here
Message: ptb...................powers that be

03/02/2011 13:35
Name: Mj
Location: Vancouver
Message: Listen to the utterances of Charlie on 'kicking' his addiction...

'DO' carry on...

03/02/2011 13:39
Name: deborah
Location: boston
Message: Ion

Are the Charlie's the children of the egg of chaos?
House of Clay-The Flesh.

03/02/2011 13:44
Name: DEB
Location: ID

03/02/2011 13:45
Name: Athena
Location: Geece
Message: What is the complete written verse that appears on my Frank Howell print, that was signed in 1986

03/02/2011 13:46
Name: Clarify please
Message: Please discuss the difference between homestasis,coherence and resonance.

03/02/2011 13:47
Name: Lance
Location: bridgwater uk
Message: bob if our meatsack bodies also have a non physical self then has ion got or ever had a meatsack body and who was he and when was he. and is he now a celebrity in the guff as he has his own radio show.

03/02/2011 13:48
Name: Barbara
Location: Calif.
Message: iON. What are RNA drops? Can you tell us where we can get the RNA drops?

03/02/2011 13:48
Name: Sheila
Location: Savannah
Message: Bob! Please remember my art question in your backwards state! Thanks!

03/02/2011 13:57
Name: Matthew
Location: Wi
Message: Just type in RnAdrops.com

03/02/2011 13:59
Name: cidersomerset
Location: Bridgwater somerset UK
Message: Hi all a postie is a postman.
Right i'v calmed down now.The film Bloolines by Bruce Burgess about finding a mumified body in France possibly Mary Magdelain any truth in it? cheers Steve..

Bob Neveritt

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