Dupes of Non-Physical

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 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 5:31 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 11:00 pm
Posts: 67
iON wrote:
We were speaking for the Creator, not us. We don't have a dog in YOUR fight. If you feel better then Great if not then What exactly do you NEED to have totally and completely explained, WE are not your MASTER, WE are trying to offer you back to your power. If play doesn't suit you then FINE!! Others it does, we have not picked and chosen with whom WE interact, but WE don't guess WE know that is up to YOU!

ALL day every day WE love to play, is that some confusing code to screw with YOU the power holder in this conversation.

Get on with it or get out or not, HUGs and KIsses!!!!!!

If I say, “What happens if just before the emptying of the Guf occurs someone chooses to transition?” And when your answer is to the effect of, don’t worry about other people's limitations, it doesn’t sound like I am the power holder of the conversation. I ask a simple question and the answer is, dismissive and one that you have complete control of. Before iON, I didn't know what a Guf was, where it was or what was in it. Since you brought forth that wisdom, I come to YOU answers.

I think YOU actually create by default, because YOU bring forth subjects that even yourself have said has "never ever been said before", which in turn CREATES the question that YOU non-physical have the answer to. Technically I CREATED the question, but YOU CREATED the cause or consideration based on a never heard before extraordinary revelation. It would be like if me and a friend were standing outside and I said the sky is black and he looks up and asks where? I created the cause, which affected the other to create the question – each of us CREATED. And then you act surprised/sometimes frustrated when people ask the same question 20 different ways - it’s because they have just been introduced to something that was said for the first time ever.

But enough with all this important life changing HUMAN stuff, let’s have some FUN!!


GOD – an extraordinary all knowing creator, soon to be perfectly flowing with all there is, was and ever will be.

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 6:18 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 11:00 pm
Posts: 67
Legend wrote:
iON "all knowing" is now in the mouse trap again - quote "We don't have a dog in YOUR fight" - which entails (or is that in TALES) complete indifference (as in we dont give a shit) nor do we have any consequences associated in anything I say or do ! hmmm really - then belabors the point he is all knowing by virture of complete and unfettered access to the all knowing Guf ! yet his opinions are discharged like bolts of lightening - then charges for the dissemination of this "all knowing knowledge" in private sessions while maintaining him and Bob are trillionaires- are you seeing the mouse trap yet ? Then why could he not give the winner to the derby ?

you cant have it both ways iON ! you have no dog in the fight - you cant create - your just little ole non-physical - nothing matters - have a quick thought about whatever you can conceive and then forget about it; yet you promulgate a sense of all knowing with a pay site that disminates guidance ? :mrgreen:

I will say this I dont think JW and BOB are trillionaires....maybe thousandaires and I don't think BOB is here to scam anyone. I dont have an issue with private readings if it for private reasons. And trust me if BOB was extremely wealthy he wouldn't be on Cash Flow, he is the type of person that would have a 24/7 iON radio station in every major city around the globe just so iON could be heard. To me BOB is a lifelong never ending explorer, who is interested in getting as much detailed information about everything as possible - and that is real talk.

While I dont agree with JW/iON's, “if it was free no one would be interested” concept, I also understand the need for income have purchased some of the audio. Some of it is well worth the purchase as it is detailed material never heard on the shows and some of it is ok but nothing that couldn't be put together from listening to the several broadcasts. Whether or not iON is the real deal or JW is just the wizard behind the curtain, what iON says I can feel as genuine and resonate with. In private readings, again, you are mentally exhausted 20 minutes in, to the point where you dont know what to say, so I certainly recommend the readings. In my experience iON is the real deal, although I think JW (physical) pops in the conversation a little too much which is what I think may be going on with my issues as posted earlier. If you get 90% iON and 10% JW, you are good to go, if you get 90% JW and 10%, then good luck with all of that as HUMAN emotion becomes noticeable and sometime is off the charts and if you listen and read long enough you can tell when there is a little too much JW in the mix.

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 7:55 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661

no more or less

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 10:37 pm 
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[color=#FF0000]Zoneperfect - the essence of iON is beautiful - yet he discusses and pontificates on issues and anomalies that cant be validated on this SIDE of the FENCE ! Get it ?(its still a mouse trap until the so-called veil is dropped- oh wait it already has you just haven't noticed lol 8-) ) Try to get him to parallel world travel over for dinner - try to get him to open a portal - try to get him to levitate - try to get him to pick the Derby winner - try to get him to confirm in broad daylight (through our world) any of these ascended character traits ! Good luck - I have consistently tried to provide a forum for just that - and the result is usually something like go eat some pudding or you wouldn't be able see me if I did or well since you don't see it does that mean it doesn't exist ? comment - but I do think there is some woo woo in the house for sure ![/size][/i][/color][/size][/color][/color]


Last edited by Legend on May 3rd, 2010, 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 11:08 pm 

Joined: April 22nd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Posts: 1661
Alright, Now, Creators that have experienced the WOO WOO portion of BOB's B L O G, a perfect forum has been presented right here right now! At your leisure please share YOUR personal experiences if you feel you have something to prove. See many CREATORS may not consider it any of your business what they experience, but at the same time, out of compassion they may induldge your challange to them not us. If you actually embraced the woo woo as you so kindly describe it. You may have an experience that reminds you of your power in this world without the stigmanta of US.

WE Love and appreciate you and always have, this is a perfect validation of WHY there was the fall of man in the first place. If you get wonderful, if you don't wonderful, it is funny however, the ones who point out how it is impossible to engage YOUR POWER not ours are the same ones to pontificate that it does have any possibility to BE.

Sorry you don't like JW, sorry you cannot "get it" as we will lovingly always try and try again to assist you on your journey in any way possible, but only as you desire!

Many thanks :!:

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 11:33 pm 
What is the point of this dialogue? After reading thru it twice....why all tthe finger pointing???
(those 3 fingers point back to you) If you find yourself struttin around and hollering in red ink..that is you stirring your pot of dynamic! ease off the reins a bit. You may find the question and answer.
If not. so what.....did you learn to ride a bike ,before you learned to walk. This forum is NOT about ION. ...The games we play or not play is ultimately of our choosing....On this forum and every where else you choose to play games. ..... SO.. to the Point.... What is your BFD?
Your invited yourself here...why?

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 11:36 pm 
OH ....and one more thing... it is not someone else job to validate your experiences so that it becomes your truth.... what? so you can debate whether it is or not???

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 11:41 pm 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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iON just when I thought you would have JW set a shining example for all of us to enjoy - as in photos or a utube of him walking through a parallel world in his backyard or with him in a parallel world from a time and place once before- (similar to the man from Norway who photographed him with himself in the future by virture of his slip through a portal under his sink-by the way what has he accomplished with this access? ) you slide stepped again and chose the path of least resistance- you deferred - oh I almost forgot you have no dog in the fight - but what about JW ?

[i]I am on my way with Maker's in Hand, (thats Makers Mark)
Gonna summons a big ole Band !
Sing a tune with a gleeful beat,
Stand right in and take a seat.
Show me the ascended one in play,
Illuminated one who goes all the way.
What's the address of the place deep down south ?
on my way with Makers and a tout :geek:



 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 11:46 pm 
Legend, Why do you insist on creating a Win/Lose conversation?

 Post subject: Re: The 3 Kingdoms...
PostPosted: May 3rd, 2010, 12:05 am 
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Joined: April 28th, 2010, 6:26 pm
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Tayzay why do also defer to acknowledge the education you desire - you've heard the dialogue and cheeky comments iON offers - yet no one puts him to the test - you'll only nod and say hmmmm ahhhhhh ? have you parallel world traveled ? can you ? do you so desire ? oh wait, you don't have a dog in the fight either ? are you another bystander of indifference ?

at least show us someone can and does actually ride the bicycle - and no it is not iON's job to validate; however, according to Bob's most recent admission iON is way more than little ole non-physical- so lets have it dear - no more fucking woo wooo "I'am not sure, but I need to know, but you need to tell me cause I have an inkling nonsense" - obviously you had some woo woo neccessities that needed VALIDATION or you wouldn't of paid for the 100 dollar 1 hour personal readings to get you here - or is that over there ? uh ?

the red ink had no significance let me modify that for you dear


Last edited by Legend on May 3rd, 2010, 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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